deedy5 / duckduckgo_search

Search for words, documents, images, videos, news, maps and text translation using the search engine. Downloading files and images to a local hard drive.
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Warning: "Curlm already closed! quitting from process_data" in `curl_cffi` #205

Closed jasonoh1998 closed 3 months ago

jasonoh1998 commented 3 months ago


Everything is working great for me after the update, but I'm encountering a warning related to curl_cffi in a python application that utilizes asynchronous operations to perform searches using the DuckDuckGoSearchResults class.


Warning Message:

curl_cffi\ UserWarning: Curlm already closed! quitting from process_data

Warning Code Snippet:

  def _run(self, query):
      return DuckDuckGoSearchResults().run(query)

Additional Observations:

I noticed that this warning started appearing after updating duckduckgo-search from version 5.1.0 to versions 5.2~5.2.1. The class AsyncDDGS implementation had some changes during these updates. No such warning was observed while using version 5.1.0.

Thank you!

deedy5 commented 3 months ago

How can I reproduce this problem?

phamxtien commented 3 months ago

I use curl_cffi==0.6.0b7 and it runs OK

deedy5 commented 3 months ago

@desaiankitb I've made the changes, try the latest version v5.2.2

jasonoh1998 commented 3 months ago


I actually should have added that I was using langchain sorry to miss that. The package works fine overall, just saw some warning so wanted to flag it.

You can reproduce this issue by using things below. I actually get different warning message now using 5.2.2.


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Install the langchain and duckduckgo-search packages using pip.
    pip install langchain duckduckgo-search
  2. Run the following Python script:

    from import DuckDuckGoSearchResults
    ddg_search = DuckDuckGoSearchResults()
    query = "how much calories does a banana have"
    results =

Warning Message

When running the script, the following warning is issued:

curl_cffi\ RuntimeWarning: 
    Proactor event loop does not implement add_reader family of methods required.
    Registering an additional selector thread for add_reader support.
    To avoid this warning use:
deedy5 commented 3 months ago

@desaiankitb Thanks for the clarification. I have committed the patch. Try installing it from git and check it out. pip install git+

jasonoh1998 commented 3 months ago

The warning message is no longer appearing. Thank you!

hb-webdev commented 2 months ago

I am also getting this warning. I just ran pip install -U duckduckgo_search to update it. Did I need to do something else? (I know it successfully updated because it wasn't working at all before the update)

my code

            with DDGS() as ddgs:
                    results = [r for r in ddgs.text("Download ODBC Driver for SQL Server", max_results=1)]
                    print('Opened URL')
                except Exception as e:
                    print('Failed with error:', e)