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wfs:Update error #567

Open larseggan opened 9 years ago

larseggan commented 9 years ago

I have set up a WFS-Transaction server with deegree 3.3.14 (SQL Feature store, WFS 2.0.0). A wfs:Update on a datatype with multiplicity 0..* adds a new node (a new row in the database in the table ad_address_ad_position) instead of updating an existing one. I have tested on INSPIRE Addresses, using the INSPIRE example data, and the transaction in the file "Update_replace2_200.xml":

<wfs:Update typeName="ad:Address">
      <wfs:ValueReference action="replace">ad:position</wfs:ValueReference>
            <gml:Point gml:id="AD_ADDRESS_c9344dc5-35a8-4425-a858-7f84d7eea2e1" srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4258">
              <gml:pos>49 11</gml:pos>
      <fes:ResourceId rid="AD_ADDRESS_c9344dc5-35a8-4425-a858-7f84d7eea2e1" />

Thanks, Lars

tfr42 commented 9 years ago

Thanks for posting. I hope you don't mind that I fixed the formatting for the given XML. Can you please indicate what behavior you expect? This will help to decide if this is a bug report or not.

larseggan commented 9 years ago

I would expect that the existing ad:Position (in table ad_address_ad_position) was updated, not that I got a new row in this table. I tried modifying the ValueReference like this, but still a new row was inserted:

<wfs:ValueReference action="replace">ad:position[1]</wfs:ValueReference>