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WMS crashes on empty optional subfeature #627

Open Aster123 opened 8 years ago

Aster123 commented 8 years ago

Yesterday I added issue #626 for WFS requests, I found out that the same problem occurs for WMS. Situation: There is a feature with an optional subfeature. The subfeature has a field that is used in the rendering of the WMS picture. When Deegree tries to follow the link to an empty subfeature a ReferenceResolvingException is thrown. This exception isn't caught and Deegree serves an empty image.

I would propose a solution that method getChildAxisIterator in GMLObjectNavigator catches the ReferenceResolvingException and decides what to do. Probably just ignore the exception, don't add the xpathNode and go on.

tfr42 commented 8 years ago

Is this bug report against 3.3.17 as in #626 too? Have you been able to reproduce this with the current 3.4-pre21 release?

Aster123 commented 8 years ago

The bug report applies to 3.3.17.

I've tried to test it agains 3.4-pre21 release, but this release crashes while scanning for tile matrix sets. So I haven't been able to reproduce, because I can't get 3.4-pre21 up and running. Thereby I need to use it for a production system, so I'm very unconvertable with using a pre version.

tfr42 commented 8 years ago

Sure, the pre release is not ready for production. But we would like to push it soon to release candidate. So in case you can report a the error with the TMS please do so. Please provide as much information as possible to reproduce the error such as the deegree workspace or parts of the configuration relevant to reproduce the issue. Additional information such as JDK (exact version and provider Oracle or Open JDK) and Servlet Container (Apache Tomcat, or other and version) are helpful information.

Aster123 commented 8 years ago

Jdk-7u75-windows-x64. Database Oracle 11. We run with Jetty 9.2.13.v20150730

tfr42 commented 8 years ago

Can you provide an example deegree workspace which can be used to reproduce the error?

Aster123 commented 8 years ago

Sorry I can't, we use an Oracle database that has license issues. Can you tell whats unclear in my bugreport, maybe I can explain it better.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Aster Leegwater Designer

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2015-12-07 10:11 GMT+01:00 tfr42

Can you provide an example deegree workspace which can be used to reproduce the error?

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tfr42 commented 8 years ago

First, thanks for your efforts. Can you please post the complete deegree workspace with the OWS services and FeatureStore configuration files?