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Continuous check_cursor singleton to prevent lingering cursors #17

Closed ThmsKnz closed 2 years ago

ThmsKnz commented 2 years ago

Please make sure you talk to the community before creating an issue.


Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Even with EgoVenture.check_cursor() there are still several scenarios where lingering cursors are possible and can't be easily prevented. For example when there's a hotspot change in a DetailView scene.

Describe the solution you'd like To circumvent this I'm suggesting a new singleton that continuously checks and adapts the cursor shape if necessary. So far it has been tested in 1-screen rooms and 4-side rooms including rotated hotspots as well as in DetailView scenes and Notepad and it's looking quite promising. The only hotspots I needed to exclude are hotspots having a click mask as I haven't found a way to detect whether the mouse is in the active part of the mask.

Find below the coding of the singleton "" that was used for testing. It can for sure be further enhanced / optimized (to minimize the risk to set the cursor wrongly) but delivered promising result so far :-)

I'm hoping that this workaround will no longer be necessary once Godot 4 is out, but until then it's no longer required to 'fight' lingering cursors when applying this new check_cursor workaround.

# This is a singleton setting the cursor shape
# Needed as a workaround as Godot doesn't set the cursor in certain scenarios
extends Node

var _active: bool

func _ready():
    # continue processing also if game is paused
    CheckCursor.pause_mode = Node.PAUSE_MODE_PROCESS
    _active = true

func activate():
    _active = true

func deactivate():
    _active = false

func _process(_delta):
    if _active and Inventory.selected_item == null:
        var mousePos = get_viewport().get_mouse_position()
        var target_shape = Input.CURSOR_ARROW
        var layer_processed = false
        var keep_cursor = false

        for layer in [
                "/root/WaitingScreen", # layer 126
                "/root/MainMenu", # layer 125
                "/root/DetailView", # layer 90
                "/root/Notepad", # layer 2
                "/root/Inventory/Canvas/InventoryAnchor/Panel", # layer 1
                get_tree().get_current_scene().get_path() # layer 0
            if !layer_processed:
                for child in _get_all_visible_children(get_node(layer)):
                    if (
                            "mouse_default_cursor_shape" in child
                            and child.visible
                            and child.is_class("Control")
                        if Rect2(Vector2(), child.rect_size).has_point(child.get_local_mouse_position()):
                            layer_processed = true
                            if child.get_class() == "TriggerHotspot":
                            if child.is_class("BaseButton"):
                                # exclude hotspots with click_masks
                                if "texture_click_mask" in child and child.texture_click_mask != null:
                                    keep_cursor = true
                                    keep_cursor = false
                                    target_shape = child.mouse_default_cursor_shape
        if !keep_cursor:
            Speedy.keep_shape_once = true

func _get_all_visible_children(node:Node)->Array:
    var nodes: Array
    for child in node.get_children():
        if !"visible" in child or child.visible:
            if child.get_child_count() > 0:
    return nodes
dploeger commented 2 years ago

Thanks so much for this. Added it in the recent commit in develop.