deep-ink-ventures / genesis-dao-frontend
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Regression Testing 24.08.2023 #221

Open jazzbah opened 1 year ago

jazzbah commented 1 year ago
  1. Proposal list of a DAO does not load. An endless spinner is displayed. This is happening if there are no proposals and also if there are proposals existing
  2. “Proposal Name” input on the create proposal field already gets a red border after 64 entered characters even though the max chars are 128. See img below (note that I decreased the width of the input so the char count was visible)
  3. Visiting any DAO detail page where I don’t have any balance there is an error notification displayed: “Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'balance')”
  4. After destroying a DAO the user is redirected to the homepage, but can still see the DAO in the list on the bottom. If the DAO card is clicked there is an error notification on the DAO detail page “Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id')”
  5. Transactions page: Search does not work
  6. I was able to create 2 not working DAOs. I am not 100% sure how to reliably reproduce this though. What I did is after every successful customization of my DAO, I returned to the homepage (via logo link in the main nav) and then visited the DAO detail page. After setting the governance (= creating the tokens), but BEFORE distributing the tokens an error notification with “Assertion failed” appeared on the DAO detail page. This error stayed even after I finished the whole setup. For the first DAO I created this way I lost my admin rights, so I can't destroy it anymore ( For the second DAO as the admin I don't see the token distribution at all ( See video below for this case. I hope the links to the DAOs help in chasing and fixing the bug

proposal-border Desktop-1692893370633.webm

GHesericsu commented 1 year ago

Thank you. Will fix and address all these very soon.

hornilla-jowelyn commented 1 year ago

fixed items 2, 3, and 5 in