deep-philology / DeepVocabulary

vocabulary server (mostly for Perseus but also standalone)
MIT License
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marking which method is sorting the results #80

Closed gregorycrane closed 6 years ago

gregorycrane commented 6 years ago

i stared at for a bit trying to figure out why the results were sorted in the way that they are. i realized that it was the "core freq" -- the right hand column. that did not seem intuitive.

perhaps bold/highlight the column responsible for the visible sort order?

jtauber commented 6 years ago

Yeah, once you sort it's more clear, but we're not showing the default case. I'll get that fixed. It's good you're capturing these "first impressions" because it's the kind of thing it's easy to overlook once one is familiar with a system.

gregorycrane commented 6 years ago

I think that core frequency is the right default sort but that the eye starts at the left when looking for a default sort. at least my eye does. a small point -- and something you would get used to quickly and forget!