deep-sea-tactics / website

The website for the LHS Deep Sea Tactics team.
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Change About section to not use our abstract from last year; **do some creative writing!!** #34

Closed dylansison closed 11 months ago

dylansison commented 11 months ago

seriously, make it shorter but have a segue to a true history of our team and who we are kind of about page you can get to with a button

dylansison commented 11 months ago

idea for structure:

main page Section About (we’re a diverse team of high school students, constantly working to innovate in hopes of a better future. <a href=about-dst> Learn more</a>) —> Page About [us, how we got to where we are today] ->->Section Our team ->->Section Humble beginnings (2 kids’ academy senior project) ->->Section The journey to today (have sort of a timeline here with pictures of how our team grew and our robots progressed) ->->Section Dreams for the future (tl;dr we go further than just any robotics team. But like how building our ROV helps not only us as team members but works to let us do more in the future to contribute to the world, teaches kids how to solve problems, (add community outreach here), (add wanting to use our ROV to help our local environment)) ->->Section (segue into a blog or something idk)