deep5050 / radio-active

Play any radios around the globe right from the terminal :zap:
MIT License
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Improvement to "--list" flag #104

Closed robinhood2014 closed 8 months ago

robinhood2014 commented 8 months ago

Right now, radio --list shows the user's list of favorite stations and then drops them right back to the shell. Perhaps we could improve the --list flag so it asks the user if (s)he wants to play a station from that list? We could attach numbers to the favorites list, and the user could just input the number of the station (s)he wants (or, say, 0 to go back to the shell as before).

On a related note, we could also improve the question Type the result ID to play: so it will actually accept 0 as a valid input to go back to the shell. This already does work, but the program also prints error messages at the end before dropping to the shell. Perhaps the user legitimately changed his/her mind and didn't want to play anything? In that case, if (s)he enters 0, don't print the unnecessary error messages.

github-actions[bot] commented 8 months ago

Hi, @robinhood2014, Thanks for your contribution :blue_heart: . Contributors :people_holding_hands: like you make the open source community :earth_africa: such an amazing place to learn :book: , inspire :angel:, and create :art: . We will investigate :eyes: and get back to you as soon as possible :+1: . Just make sure you have given us sufficient information :information_source:.

By that time enjoy this meme :point_down: , hope you like it :smile:


Use this action on your projects. Use jokes on issues instead.

deep5050 commented 8 months ago

invoking radio without any options allows you to select a station from your favorite menu already. I don't think we should unnecessarily play from the favorite list table.