deep5050 / radio-active

Play any radios around the globe right from the terminal :zap:
MIT License
469 stars 24 forks source link

Recordings create wrong directory tree on non-unix platforms #115

Open furicle opened 2 months ago

furicle commented 2 months ago

Recording anything while using radio-active on Windows creates


which is messed up - typically $home on Windows is c:\users\username not c:\home\username

Seems like a related issue to #105

github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

Hi, @furicle, Thanks for your contribution :blue_heart: . Contributors :people_holding_hands: like you make the open source community :earth_africa: such an amazing place to learn :book: , inspire :angel:, and create :art: . We will investigate :eyes: and get back to you as soon as possible :+1: . Just make sure you have given us sufficient information :information_source:.

By that time enjoy this meme :point_down: , hope you like it :smile:


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