deep5050 / radio-active

Play any radios around the globe right from the terminal :zap:
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volume control after starting stream of audio #116

Open shadow-absorber opened 1 month ago

shadow-absorber commented 1 month ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. shadow would like to have the option to change the volume from the command list after selecting a station to listen to

Describe the solution you'd like some command to change the volume by a percentage up or down or to set it directly

Describe alternatives you've considered N/A

Additional context it is very annoying to have to restart the whole app just to change the volume if it is to loud or to quiet

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Hi, @shadow-absorber, Thanks for your contribution :blue_heart: . Contributors :people_holding_hands: like you make the open source community :earth_africa: such an amazing place to learn :book: , inspire :angel:, and create :art: . We will investigate :eyes: and get back to you as soon as possible :+1: . Just make sure you have given us sufficient information :information_source:.

By that time enjoy this meme :point_down: , hope you like it :smile:


Use this action on your projects. Use jokes on issues instead.

comradeferret commented 3 weeks ago

You can control it by the ffmpeg application volume.

shadow-absorber commented 3 weeks ago

You can control it by the ffmpeg application volume.

that would require opening up pavucontrol every time shadow wanna change the volume instead of just changing to the terminal application and would by that extension kinda break the workflow... but if that is the only possible solution guess that is what shadow will have to do