deepakganesh78 / valluvar_kotam_3d_model

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test 36 #36

Open deepakganesh78 opened 3 hours ago

deepakganesh78 commented 3 hours ago

Define the paths to your files

$file1 = "path/to/your/file1.xml" $file2 = "path/to/your/file2.xml"

Read the contents of the files

$file1Content = Get-Content -Path $file1 $file2Content = Get-Content -Path $file2

Find the maximum number of lines in either file

$maxLines = [Math]::Max($file1Content.Length, $file2Content.Length)

Define the width for each column

$columnWidth = 80

Write-Host "Comparing files: $file1 and $file2"

for ($i = 0; $i -lt $maxLines; $i++) { $line1 = if ($i -lt $file1Content.Length) { $file1Content[$i] } else { "" } $line2 = if ($i -lt $file2Content.Length) { $file2Content[$i] } else { "" }

# Format the lines to the specified column width
$formattedLine1 = $line1.PadRight($columnWidth)
$formattedLine2 = $line2.PadRight($columnWidth)

if ($line1 -eq $line2) {
    Write-Host "$formattedLine1  |  $formattedLine2" -ForegroundColor Green
} else {
    Write-Host "$formattedLine1  |  $formattedLine2" -ForegroundColor Red
