during evaluation with default values I obtain the following result:
Experiment dir: /home/roberto/PersonReID/deep-person-search/20201004/test
Loaded dataset ssm_test for testing
6978 roidb entries
Backbone loading ImageNet pretrained weights from
Engine [baseline] was created
Not loading checkpoint!
ModelParams : 35.05 M
extracting probe features ...
im_exfeat: 2900/2900 0.008s
extracting gallery features ...
total time:1.297s, reid time:0.002s
evaluating detections
all detection:
recall = 0.00%
ap = 0.00%
/home/roberto/anaconda3/envs/dps/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/metrics/ranking.py:528: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide
recall = tps / tps[-1]
labeled_only detection:
recall = 0.00%
ap = nan%
search ranking:
recall = 0.00%
mAP = 0.00%
top- 1 = 0.00%
top- 5 = 0.00%
top-10 = 0.00%
test time: 36.9min
Firstly, download the trained model to path_to_the_checkpoint.
Secondly, load the checkpoint by adding --load_ckpt "absolute_path_to_your_checkpoint" to your command.
Hi, during evaluation with default values I obtain the following result:
Experiment dir: /home/roberto/PersonReID/deep-person-search/20201004/test Loaded dataset
for testing 6978 roidb entries Backbone loading ImageNet pretrained weights from ./cache/pretrained_model/resnet50_caffe.pth Engine [baseline] was created Not loading checkpoint!ModelParams : 35.05 M
extracting probe features ... im_exfeat: 2900/2900 0.008s
extracting gallery features ... total time:1.297s, reid time:0.002s
evaluating detections all detection: recall = 0.00% ap = 0.00% /home/roberto/anaconda3/envs/dps/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/metrics/ranking.py:528: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide recall = tps / tps[-1] labeled_only detection: recall = 0.00% ap = nan% search ranking: recall = 0.00% mAP = 0.00% top- 1 = 0.00% top- 5 = 0.00% top-10 = 0.00% test time: 36.9min
The command used is:
_CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --is_test --benchmark ssm --eval_batch_size 5 --backbone bsl --in_level C5 --clstype oim
It is quite a strange result. What can be wrong? Thanks