Hi, i'm trying to implement the API in my website.
I have a CORS error when i call the uploadPost method
deepArtEffectsClient.uploadPost(params, base64image).then(function(result) {...}
I would like to use the api as well. I'm trying it with the JS SDK and have the same problem. I wrote to support. No answer. @GIovaB6 Did they answer you? Was it possible to solve the problem?
Hi, i'm trying to implement the API in my website. I have a CORS error when i call the uploadPost method
deepArtEffectsClient.uploadPost(params, base64image).then(function(result) {...}
This is the error: Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://api.deeparteffects.com/v1/upload' from origin 'https://www.lifeconexion.eu' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
How can i fix it ? Thank you all for the help