deepch / RTSPtoWeb

RTSP Stream to WebBrowser
MIT License
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Issues on slow connections with some cameras #359

Open bublath opened 11 months ago

bublath commented 11 months ago

I have set up RTSPtoWeb to be accessible through Nginx from remote. Some of my cameras don't work too well (cheap one from aliexpress) - they sometimes freeze and don't recover automatically. With reducing their framerates etc. I managed to make them work most of the time when on local LAN.

However when using the remote connection two of my cameras won't connect (interestingly a 3rd one of the same brand does). I also notices that the one camera that is just connected by WLAN works much worse (even on LAN). Just to clarify, the connection is Camera ->(LAN/WLAN)->RTSPtoWeb->(LAN)->nginx->(LAN)->router->(DSL)->remote browser

Any hints how to improve using cameras that are on slow connections?

beankylla commented 11 months ago

sorry, unrealted but i am struggling to get RTSPtoWeb accesible through Nginx. Could you share your nginx config ? Best

bublath commented 11 months ago

Just copying it would not help - and is not specific to RTSPtoWeb. I just forward to the URL with the proxy_pass directive. However the tricky part ist that you might need a certificate (e.g. let's encrpty), set .htpasswd etc - there are tutorials about how to enable external access via nginx around the net. If you managed that, adding RTSPtoWeb is not issue at all. However, I found the better solution to use WireGuard VPN now, as my router does now support this. Need to do more testing, but access via WireGuard seems to have less overhead and working better than going thru nginx.

beankylla commented 7 months ago

i have all the certificates setup no problem there. i can access RTSPtoWeb from the internet no issue, but straight. If i go through nginx i get a white page. i do have wireguard but does not enable to access cameras from let's say a business computer. My workaround for now is using homeassistant where i embed the camera feeds in a dashboard