deepcharles / ruptures

ruptures: change point detection in Python
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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min_size for internal breakpoints vs min_size for boundary-adjacient #259

Closed smxzehvb closed 2 years ago

smxzehvb commented 2 years ago

Hi. Great package!

I was wondering if you've thought of implementing a min_size parameter for internal breakpoints, vs a min_size where one end of the resulting segment ends is on the boundary (global start-point or global end-point) of the whole series? My specific motivation is looking at economic data, say, quarterly from 1960 to now. We know since about Q2 2020 (aka the start of COVID lockdowns), the economy has been in a "different" stage. So I have to set min_size to 7 to be able to capture the break at Q2 2020 until now. But then it seems like I'm allowing segments internally to be too short.

I suppose in this example, I could chop my data off at Q2 2020 and find the rest of the breakpoints with a larger min_size. Or I could pad my data out at the end and then bump up my overall min_size. (This actually worked pretty well in this case by using np.pad with 'reflect' mode.)

But it might be nice to have something built-in to the ruptures call. thanks

smxzehvb commented 2 years ago

forgot to note i'm using Dynp with 'linear' cost and jump=1 in this case!

deepcharles commented 2 years ago

Hi, sorry for the late reply.

Please find an implementation of what you are asking

r"""Dynamic programming"""
from functools import lru_cache

from ruptures.utils import sanity_check
from ruptures.costs import cost_factory
from ruptures.base import BaseCost, BaseEstimator
from ruptures.exceptions import BadSegmentationParameters

class CustomDynp(BaseEstimator):

    """Find optimal change points using dynamic programming.

    Given a segment model, it computes the best partition for which the
    sum of errors is minimum.

    def __init__(self, model="l2", custom_cost=None, min_size=2, jump=5, right_min_size=2, params=None):
        """Creates a Dynp instance.

            model (str, optional): segment model, ["l1", "l2", "rbf"]. Not used if ``'custom_cost'`` is not None.
            custom_cost (BaseCost, optional): custom cost function. Defaults to None.
            min_size (int, optional): minimum segment length.
            jump (int, optional): subsample (one every *jump* points).
            params (dict, optional): a dictionary of parameters for the cost instance.
        if custom_cost is not None and isinstance(custom_cost, BaseCost):
            self.cost = custom_cost
            self.model_name = model
            if params is None:
                self.cost = cost_factory(model=model)
                self.cost = cost_factory(model=model, **params)
        self.min_size = max(min_size, self.cost.min_size)
        self.right_min_size = max(self.min_size, right_min_size)
        self.jump = jump
        self.n_samples = None

    def seg(self, start, end, n_bkps):
        """Recurrence to find the optimal partition of signal[start:end].

        This method is to be memoized and then used.

            start (int): start of the segment (inclusive)
            end (int): end of the segment (exclusive)
            n_bkps (int): number of breakpoints

            dict: {(start, end): cost value, ...}
        jump, min_size = self.jump, self.min_size
        signal_length = self.cost.signal.shape[0]
        if n_bkps == 0:
            cost = self.cost.error(start, end)
            return {(start, end): cost}
        elif n_bkps > 0:
            # Let's fill the list of admissible last breakpoints
            multiple_of_jump = (k for k in range(start, end) if k % jump == 0)
            admissible_bkps = list()
            for bkp in multiple_of_jump:
                n_samples = bkp - start
                # first check if left subproblem is possible
                if sanity_check(
                    n_bkps=n_bkps - 1,
                    # second check if the right subproblem has enough points
                    if (signal_length - bkp >= self.right_min_size) and (end - bkp >= min_size):

            assert (
                len(admissible_bkps) > 0
            ), "No admissible last breakpoints found.\
             start, end: ({},{}), n_bkps: {}.".format(
                start, end, n_bkps

            # Compute the subproblems
            sub_problems = list()
            for bkp in admissible_bkps:
                left_partition = self.seg(start, bkp, n_bkps - 1)
                right_partition = self.seg(bkp, end, 0)
                tmp_partition = dict(left_partition)
                tmp_partition[(bkp, end)] = right_partition[(bkp, end)]

            # Find the optimal partition
            return min(sub_problems, key=lambda d: sum(d.values()))

    def fit(self, signal) -> "Dynp":
        """Create the cache associated with the signal.

        Dynamic programming is a recurrence; intermediate results are cached to speed up
        computations. This method sets up the cache.

            signal (array): signal. Shape (n_samples, n_features) or (n_samples,).

        # clear cache
        # update some params
        self.n_samples = signal.shape[0]
        return self

    def predict(self, n_bkps):
        """Return the optimal breakpoints.

        Must be called after the fit method. The breakpoints are associated with the signal passed
        to [`fit()`][].

            n_bkps (int): number of breakpoints.

            BadSegmentationParameters: in case of impossible segmentation

            list: sorted list of breakpoints
        # raise an exception in case of impossible segmentation configuration
        if not sanity_check(
            raise BadSegmentationParameters
        partition = self.seg(0, self.n_samples, n_bkps)
        bkps = sorted(e for s, e in partition.keys())
        return bkps

    def fit_predict(self, signal, n_bkps):
        """Fit to the signal and return the optimal breakpoints.

        Helper method to call fit and predict once

            signal (array): signal. Shape (n_samples, n_features) or (n_samples,).
            n_bkps (int): number of breakpoints.

            list: sorted list of breakpoints
        return self.predict(n_bkps)

Use it as follows. Notice the additional parameter right_min_size.

# assume your signal is in an array `signal`
algo = CustomDynp(right_min_size=20).fit(signal)

I have not checked this implementation thoroughly. If this raises unexpected errors, please tell me.

smxzehvb commented 2 years ago

Hey, thanks for putting that together. I can tell you it runs! (I've only tried it with cost=linear). Will explore a little more.