The robot code for Deeper Blue, an assistive chess-playing robot. Developed for the System Design Project, a 3rd year course offered at the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh.
Add dynamic grabber down position adjustment for different piece heights. The piece heights are passed from the controller (one or two parts appended to the message), passed through the HLI and used in the LLI to compute correct grabber down position for that piece type.
The HLI and LLI implementation of this feature use arguments with default values, so this should be fairly non-breaking. There is also a default piece height configured, so the code shouldn't crash if an invalid piece type is passed (instead it will possibly go to the wrong height).
[x] Implement LLI support
[x] Implement HLI support
[x] Implement Comms support
[x] Test
[x] Update dummies with new function signatures
[ ] ~Use already provided original positions to compute one of the types~
[x] Clean up code
[x] Add support on Controller side (added as issue)
Add dynamic grabber down position adjustment for different piece heights. The piece heights are passed from the controller (one or two parts appended to the message), passed through the HLI and used in the LLI to compute correct grabber down position for that piece type.
The HLI and LLI implementation of this feature use arguments with default values, so this should be fairly non-breaking. There is also a default piece height configured, so the code shouldn't crash if an invalid piece type is passed (instead it will possibly go to the wrong height).
Fixes #55