the extract and train part is fine,but when I use
python convert -al donald_trump_alignments_20240129_140240.fsa -i faces -o converted -m trump_cage_model -M vgg-clear -w ffmpeg -ref donald_trump.mp4 -fr 10-50
it returns
01/29/2024 17:49:54 INFO Images found: 439
01/29/2024 17:49:54 INFO Faces detected: 0
01/29/2024 17:49:54 INFO -------------------------
01/29/2024 17:49:54 INFO Process Succesfully Completed. Shutting Down...
and no new video output,
can someone help me?
the extract and train part is fine,but when I use python convert -al donald_trump_alignments_20240129_140240.fsa -i faces -o converted -m trump_cage_model -M vgg-clear -w ffmpeg -ref donald_trump.mp4 -fr 10-50 it returns 01/29/2024 17:49:54 INFO Images found: 439 01/29/2024 17:49:54 INFO Faces detected: 0 01/29/2024 17:49:54 INFO ------------------------- 01/29/2024 17:49:54 INFO Process Succesfully Completed. Shutting Down... and no new video output, can someone help me?