deepfence / SecretScanner

:unlock: :unlock: Find secrets and passwords in container images and file systems :unlock: :unlock:
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Json File Output Options Change #103

Open juntaozeng opened 11 months ago

juntaozeng commented 11 months ago

Encountered an error while running the deepfenceio/deepfence_secret_scanner:2.0.0 docker image.

flag provided but not defined: -output-path

Noticed that 2 related json output options were remove from an earlier PR

However, those options are still being used / referenced in some docs. They probably should be updated so as not to cause confusions.


Side note, slightly curious about the reason behind the sudden change removing json output support, I didn't find much explanation / change info from the PR itself.

gnmahanth commented 11 months ago

Hello @juntaozeng

Thank for reporting the issue, we removed the flag to make thing uniform across all our plugins(, and

The docs are updated to reflect the supported flags in the PR

timobrembeck commented 11 months ago

How can I generate a plain json file as output? I run deepfence via docker-compose:


version: "3.6"

    image: deepfenceio/deepfence_secret_scanner:latest
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro
      - ./deepfence/:/home/deepfence/output
    entrypoint: /bin/sh -c "/home/deepfence/usr/SecretScanner -config-path /home/deepfence/usr -image-name=${IMAGE} -output=json > output.json"
    command: ""

And even though I don't redirect stderr to the file, I get: output.json

Scanning image user/repo for secrets...
Scanning image /tmp/Deepfence/SecretScanning/userrepo/save-output.tar for secrets...
  total=0 high=0 medium=0 low=0

  "Timestamp": "2023-10-11T23:31:17.192741222Z",
  "Image Name": "user/repo",
  "Image ID": "f28ffd78641197871fea8fd679f2bf8a1cdafa4dc3f1ce3e700ad964aac2879a",
  "Container ID": "",
  "Secrets": null

which can't be parsed as json. Adding the flag -debug-level FATAL also didn't help... What is the intended usage here?

gnmahanth commented 11 months ago

hi @timobrembeck, the recommended usage is to execute docker run as shown below this outputs json to stdout which can be redirected to a file

this gets json output to stdout

docker run -i --rm --name=deepfence-secretscanner \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
deepfenceio/deepfence_secret_scanner:2.0.0 \
-image-name node:8.11 --output json

this redirects json from stdout to file node.json

docker run -i --rm --name=deepfence-secretscanner \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
deepfenceio/deepfence_secret_scanner:2.0.0 \
-image-name node:8.11 --output json > node.json

docker-compose usage is not recommended