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Enhancements to the vulnerability database to add additional sources
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Certain vulnerabilities are being missed out because they are found in sources which are not being used
Describe the solution you'd like
While the current vulnerability database is quite comprehensive, we should enhance the database with feeds from other sources. One such example is the gitlab advisory database.
Can we publish list of current feeds and the ones we are planning to add? Also I think we should make the vulnerability db available as part of release pkgs here in GitHub every 6 hours.
Additional context Enhancements to the vulnerability database to add additional sources
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Certain vulnerabilities are being missed out because they are found in sources which are not being used
Describe the solution you'd like While the current vulnerability database is quite comprehensive, we should enhance the database with feeds from other sources. One such example is the gitlab advisory database.