deepfence / YaraHunter

🔍🔍 Malware scanner for cloud-native, as part of CI/CD and at Runtime 🔍🔍
Apache License 2.0
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Output from IOCScanner is not tidy #3

Closed ogarrett closed 2 years ago

ogarrett commented 2 years ago

The default output from IOCScanner should be easily machine-readable.

The current output is written to stdout, and resembles the following:

$ docker run -it --rm --name=deepfence-ioc-scanner -v $(pwd):/home/deepfence/output -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock deepfenceio/deepfence-ioc-scanner:latest -image-name deepfenceio/deepfence-ioc-scanner:latest
Scanning image deepfenceio/deepfence-ioc-scanner:latest for IOC...
INFO[2022-06-30 13:00:00] trying to connect to endpoint 'unix:///var/run/docker.sock' with timeout '10s'
INFO[2022-06-30 13:00:00] connected successfully using endpoint: unix:///var/run/docker.sock
INFO[2022-06-30 13:00:00] trying to connect to endpoint 'unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock' with timeout '10s'
WARN[2022-06-30 13:00:10] could not connect to endpoint 'unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock': context deadline exceeded
INFO[2022-06-30 13:00:10] trying to connect to endpoint 'unix:///run/k3s/containerd/containerd.sock' with timeout '10s'
WARN[2022-06-30 13:00:20] could not connect to endpoint 'unix:///run/k3s/containerd/containerd.sock': context deadline exceeded
INFO[2022-06-30 13:00:20] container runtime detected: docker
Scanning image /tmp/Deepfence/IOCScanning/df_deepfenceiodeepfenceiocscannerlatest/save-output.tar for IOCs...
include filescan.yar
include filescan.yar
include filescan.yar
include filescan.yar
include filescan.yar
include filescan.yar
include filescan.yar
[{description This rule is looking for B64 offsets of LazyNetToJscriptLoader which is a namespace specific to the internal version of the GadgetToJScript tooling.} {md5 7af24305a409a2b8f83ece27bb0f7900} {rev 4} {author FireEye}]
[{description Identifies GoRat malware in memory based on strings.} {md5 3b926b5762e13ceec7ac3a61e85c93bb} {rev 1} {author FireEye}]
[{date_created 2020-12-01} {date_modified 2020-12-01} {md5 d5d3d23c8573d999f1c48d3e211b1066} {rev 1} {author FireEye}]
[{date_created 2020-11-27} {date_modified 2020-11-27} {md5 d0a830403e56ebaa4bfbe87dbfdee44f} {rev 1} {author FireEye}]
[{author FireEye}]
[{author Akamai CSIRT} {description Rule to detect XOR DDos infection}]
      "Image Layer ID": "76bf69f202ff803d5f037e1d2407965e6ed2e387ce887fcf05d7fbd1b415409a",
      "Matched Rule Name": "Hunting_GadgetToJScript_1",
      "String to Match": [   $s1 $s2 $s3],
      "Content to Match": ",,,GF6eU5ldFRvSnNjcmlwdExvYWRl,henlOZXRUb0pzY3JpcHRMb2Fk,YXp5TmV0VG9Kc2NyaXB0TG9hZGV",
      "Severity": "high",
      "Severity Score": 10.00,
      "Full File Name": "/tmp/Deepfence/IOCScanning/df_deepfenceiodeepfenceiocscannerlatest/ExtractedFiles/76bf69f202ff803d5f037e1d2407965e6ed2e387ce887fcf05d7fbd1b415409a/home/deepfence/usr/filescan.yar",
      "Match Rule Meta": [   value: This rule is looking for B64 offsets of LazyNetToJscriptLoader which is a namespace specific to the internal version of the GadgetToJScript tooling. value: 7af24305a409a2b8f83ece27bb0f7900 value: 4 value: FireEye],
      "Image Layer ID": "76bf69f202ff803d5f037e1d2407965e6ed2e387ce887fcf05d7fbd1b415409a",
      "Matched Rule Name": "APT_Backdoor_Win_GoRat_Memory",
      "String to Match": [                    $murica $murica $murica $murica $murica $murica $rat1 $rat1 $rat2 $rat3 $rat4 $rat5 $rat6 $rat7 $rat8 $rat9 $rat9 $rat10 $rat11 $winblows],
      "Content to Match": ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,murica,murica,murica,murica,murica,murica,rat/modules/socks.(*HTTPProxyClient).beacon,rat/modules/socks.(*HTTPProxyClient).beacon,rat.(*Core).generateBeacon,rat.gJitter,rat/comms.(*protectedChannel).SendCmdResponse,rat/modules/filemgmt.(*acquire).NewCommandExecution,rat/modules/latlisten.(*latlistensrv).handleCmd,rat/modules/netsweeper.(*netsweeperRunner).runSweep,rat/modules/netsweeper.(*Pinger).listen,rat/modules/socks.(*HTTPProxyClient).beacon,rat/modules/socks.(*HTTPProxyClient).beacon,rat/platforms/win/dyloader.(*memoryLoader).ExecutePluginFunction,rat/platforms/win/modules/namedpipe.(*dummy).Open,rat/platforms/win.(*winblows).GetStage",
      "Severity": "high",
      "Severity Score": 10.00,
      "Full File Name": "/tmp/Deepfence/IOCScanning/df_deepfenceiodeepfenceiocscannerlatest/ExtractedFiles/76bf69f202ff803d5f037e1d2407965e6ed2e387ce887fcf05d7fbd1b415409a/home/deepfence/usr/filescan.yar",
      "Match Rule Meta": [                    value: Identifies GoRat malware in memory based on strings. value: 3b926b5762e13ceec7ac3a61e85c93bb value: 1 value: FireEye],
      "Image Layer ID": "76bf69f202ff803d5f037e1d2407965e6ed2e387ce887fcf05d7fbd1b415409a",
      "Matched Rule Name": "Trojan_Macro_RESUMEPLEASE_1",
      "String to Match": [      $str00 $str01 $str02 $str03 $str04 $str05],
      "Content to Match": ",,,,,,For Binary As,Range.Text,Environ(,CByte(,.SpawnInstance_,.Create(",
      "Severity": "high",
      "Severity Score": 10.00,
      "Full File Name": "/tmp/Deepfence/IOCScanning/df_deepfenceiodeepfenceiocscannerlatest/ExtractedFiles/76bf69f202ff803d5f037e1d2407965e6ed2e387ce887fcf05d7fbd1b415409a/home/deepfence/usr/filescan.yar",
      "Match Rule Meta": [      value: 2020-12-01 value: 2020-12-01 value: d5d3d23c8573d999f1c48d3e211b1066 value: 1 value: FireEye],
      "Image Layer ID": "76bf69f202ff803d5f037e1d2407965e6ed2e387ce887fcf05d7fbd1b415409a",
      "Matched Rule Name": "APT_Builder_PY_REDFLARE_1",
      "String to Match": [       $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7],
      "Content to Match": ",,,,,,,LOAD_OFFSET_32 = 0x612,LOAD_OFFSET_64 = 0x611,class RC4:,struct.pack('\u003cQ' if is64b else '\u003cL',stagerConfig['comms']['config'],_x86.dll,_x64.dll",
      "Severity": "high",
      "Severity Score": 10.00,
      "Full File Name": "/tmp/Deepfence/IOCScanning/df_deepfenceiodeepfenceiocscannerlatest/ExtractedFiles/76bf69f202ff803d5f037e1d2407965e6ed2e387ce887fcf05d7fbd1b415409a/home/deepfence/usr/filescan.yar",
      "Match Rule Meta": [       value: 2020-11-27 value: 2020-11-27 value: d0a830403e56ebaa4bfbe87dbfdee44f value: 1 value: FireEye],
      "Image Layer ID": "76bf69f202ff803d5f037e1d2407965e6ed2e387ce887fcf05d7fbd1b415409a",
      "Matched Rule Name": "APT_Backdoor_PS1_BASICPIPESHELL_1",
      "String to Match": [      $s1 $s2 $s3 $s4 $s5 $s6],
      "Content to Match": ",,,,,,function Invoke-Client(),function Invoke-Server,Read-Host 'Enter Command:',new-object System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream(,new-object System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeServerStream(, = iex $",
      "Severity": "high",
      "Severity Score": 10.00,
      "Full File Name": "/tmp/Deepfence/IOCScanning/df_deepfenceiodeepfenceiocscannerlatest/ExtractedFiles/76bf69f202ff803d5f037e1d2407965e6ed2e387ce887fcf05d7fbd1b415409a/home/deepfence/usr/filescan.yar",
      "Match Rule Meta": [      value: FireEye],
      "Image Layer ID": "76bf69f202ff803d5f037e1d2407965e6ed2e387ce887fcf05d7fbd1b415409a",
      "Matched Rule Name": "XOR_DDosv1",
      "String to Match": [       $st0 $st1 $st2 $st3 $st4 $st5 $st6],
      "Content to Match": ",,,,,,,BB2FA36AAA9541F0,md5=,denyip=,filename=,rmfile=,exec_packet,build_iphdr",
      "Severity": "high",
      "Severity Score": 10.00,
      "Full File Name": "/tmp/Deepfence/IOCScanning/df_deepfenceiodeepfenceiocscannerlatest/ExtractedFiles/76bf69f202ff803d5f037e1d2407965e6ed2e387ce887fcf05d7fbd1b415409a/home/deepfence/usr/filescan.yar",
      "Match Rule Meta": [       value: Akamai CSIRT value: Rule to detect XOR DDos infection],
    }include filescan.yar
include filescan.yar
  "Timestamp": "2022-06-30 13:00:31.400542592 +00:00",
  "Image Name": "deepfenceio/deepfence-ioc-scanner:latest",
  "Image ID": "6ad57ca08f568fc315a41354aeb18d3279e3165c7671134822c26ae088bedff4",
  "IOC": [



Scan results must go to STDOUT, and be a single JSON document Diagnostic output (INFO and the like) must go to STDERR All diagnostic messages should be prefixed by INFO/WARN etc and a timestamp

Default log level should be ERROR, so no messages are sent to STDERR on a successful scan



ramanan-ravi commented 2 years ago

@ogarrett I think it is ok to be verbose in stdout. Many tools are like that and they provide an option to save the output as a json/csv file which is machine readable.

 $ syft .
 ✔ Indexed .
 ✔ Cataloged packages      [1217 packages]
NAME                                               VERSION                             TYPE
@ampproject/remapping                              2.1.2                               npm
@babel/code-frame                                  7.12.11                             npm
syft --help

     --file string                    file to write the default report output to (default is STDOUT)
     --output stringArray             report output format, options=[json text table cyclonedx cyclonedx-json spdx-tag-value spdx-json] (default [table])

IOC Scanner also has this option

ogarrett commented 2 years ago

It's OK to be verbose when the tool is used interactively (at a terminal), but we should also support non-interactive use. Non-interactive use includes running in a pipe in a terminal, or running from a script.

For example, I might want to do something like:

IOCScanner | jq <jq expression> | <additional processing>

... either in a terminal or in a script.

The typical unix behaviour that enables this is:

Note that syft does this correctly. The pretty animations and diagnostics messages are written to stderr, and the regular output goes to stdout. You can verify this by running syft . > /tmp/output.txt.

By all means, we can implement a --output option to configure where to write output to in addition to defaulting to stdout for output.

ogarrett commented 2 years ago

BTW - diagnostic messages don't have to be prefixed by <SEVERITY> [<TIMESTAMP>]. This is common for persistent daemon services where the events are processed by (for example) syslog, but is not common practice for single-operation tools.

Let's be consistent - either use them everywhere, or nowhere.

ogarrett commented 2 years ago

Update, after further investigation:

The YaRadare binary, using logrus, functions correctly with respect to logging, and writes logs to STDERR. However, when running in docker with a pseudo-tty, it merges STDOUT and STDERR into a single output stream (STDOUT), so logs and output are conflated.

The solution is to run the docker container without allocating a tty, as:

$ docker run -i --rm --name=deepfence-yaradare     -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock     deepfenceio/deepfence-yaradare:latest --image-name node:latest > /tmp/docker-no-t.txt
time="2022-07-08 13:16:23" level=info msg="trying to connect to endpoint 'unix:///var/run/docker.sock' with timeout '10s'"
time="2022-07-08 13:16:23" level=info msg="connected successfully using endpoint: unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
time="2022-07-08 13:16:23" level=info msg="trying to connect to endpoint 'unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock' with timeout '10s'"
time="2022-07-08 13:16:33" level=warning msg="could not connect to endpoint 'unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock': context deadline exceeded"
time="2022-07-08 13:16:33" level=info msg="trying to connect to endpoint 'unix:///run/k3s/containerd/containerd.sock' with timeout '10s'"
time="2022-07-08 13:16:43" level=warning msg="could not connect to endpoint 'unix:///run/k3s/containerd/containerd.sock': context deadline exceeded"
time="2022-07-08 13:16:43" level=info msg="container runtime detected: docker\n"

logrus uses a different output format in this case, but it's still usable.

The output is still untidy and not well-formatted JSON. Now that we've determined the STDOUT/STDERR problem and workaround/solution, I'll raise a separate issue concerning the output.