As an example, the reflex-glfw-demo is incompatible with OpenGL 3.3, so changing withGLWindow like this:
withGLWindow width height title f = do
liftIO $ GL.setErrorCallback $ Just simpleErrorPrinter
+ liftIO $ GL.defaultWindowHints
+ liftIO $ mapM_ GL.windowHint
+ [ GL.WindowHint'ContextVersionMajor 3
+ , GL.WindowHint'ContextVersionMinor 3
+ , GL.WindowHint'OpenGLProfile GL.OpenGLProfile'Core
+ , GL.WindowHint'OpenGLForwardCompat True ]
m <- liftIO $ GL.createWindow width height title Nothing Nothing
makes the demo fail obscurely, without invoking the error callback:
[nix-shell:~/src/reflex-glfw]$ cabal build && dist/build/reflex-glfw-demo/reflex-glfw-demo
Building reflex-glfw-
Preprocessing library reflex-glfw-
[1 of 1] Compiling Reflex.GLFW ( src/Reflex/GLFW.hs, dist/build/Reflex/GLFW.o )
Preprocessing executable 'reflex-glfw-demo' for reflex-glfw-
Linking dist/build/reflex-glfw-demo/reflex-glfw-demo ...
reflex-glfw-demo: Prelude.head: empty list
A similar failure to invoke the handler can be observed if one fails to run Reflex.GLFW.init -- the error message is produced by withGLWindow itself, not the simpleErrorPrinter handler that is set up by the time of its invocation.
As an example, the
is incompatible with OpenGL 3.3, so changingwithGLWindow
like this:makes the demo fail obscurely, without invoking the error callback:
A similar failure to invoke the handler can be observed if one fails to run
-- the error message is produced bywithGLWindow
itself, not thesimpleErrorPrinter
handler that is set up by the time of its invocation.It is a bit mysterious..