fix span relations display: for network span, sometimes in 【query】would have loose conditions than 【related】, means query only require tcp_seq matched, but related require more conditions: request_type/domain/protocol.. and it depends on flow type(if it's session, only request or only response)
it causes difference between [query] and [related], which makes a network span [could be query] but related is not available, also, we only show [related span] in [ span relations], so it makes the network span could not be traces and coufused us.
fix: when build [related_map] as span relations, I use a weak match conditions to ensure a span could be related as query, when do REAL related, instead of it, use hard match conditions in case there are mistakes
修改溯源关系的构建,对 network span ,在追踪时会有比【查询时】更多的匹配条件,即:查询只需按 tcp_seq 匹配即可,但关联时要按 request_type/domain/protocol..... 及流是否会话决定匹配等。
这导致【查询】与【关联】两个逻辑产生差异,使得一个network span 【可以被查询出来】,但【不可被关联上】两件事同时存在,并且在溯源关系中目前只体现了【可被关联上】的 span,使得这类 span 无法被溯源,产生困惑
修改方式:在【 relate_map】即溯源关系的 map 构建时,使用弱匹配条件,保证一个span 能被查询即能被溯源;但在关联时,再用原来的【强关联条件】,保证不产生误关联;
fix span relations display: for network span, sometimes in 【query】would have loose conditions than 【related】, means query only require tcp_seq matched, but related require more conditions: request_type/domain/protocol.. and it depends on flow type(if it's session, only request or only response)
it causes difference between [query] and [related], which makes a network span [could be query] but related is not available, also, we only show [related span] in [ span relations], so it makes the network span could not be traces and coufused us.
fix: when build [related_map] as span relations, I use a weak match conditions to ensure a span could be related as query, when do REAL related, instead of it, use hard match conditions in case there are mistakes