Open axnhhhh opened 9 hours ago
package main import ( "bufio" "bytes" "compress/gzip" "encoding/json" "fmt" "" "io" "net" "net/http" "net/url" "regexp" "strings" ) const ( BERTNER_BASE_HOST = "" BERTNER_BASE_PORT = "80" BERTNER_BASE_PATH = "/detect/test?business=cto" ) var respPriorityMsgKeys = []string{"errMsg", "errorMessage", "msg", "message", "error_msg", "errmsg", "err", "error"} var respOtherMsgKeys = []string{"status", "ActionStatus", "detail", "info", "reasonList"} func main() { sdk.Info("on http status rewrite wasm plugin init") sdk.SetParser(parser{}) } type parser struct { sdk.DefaultParser } func (p parser) OnHttpReq(ctx *sdk.HttpReqCtx) sdk.Action { return sdk.ActionNext() } func (p parser) OnHttpResp(ctx *sdk.HttpRespCtx) sdk.Action { payload, err := ctx.BaseCtx.GetPayload() if err != nil { return sdk.ActionAbortWithErr(err) } r, _ := http.ReadResponse(bufio.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(payload)), nil) if r == nil { return sdk.ActionAbort() } // 如果本身已经异常,则直接停止当前插件并且停止遍历 if r.StatusCode >= 400 { return sdk.ActionAbort() } return onResp(r) } func (p parser) OnCheckPayload(ctx *sdk.ParseCtx) (protoNum uint8, protoStr string) { return 0, "" } func (p parser) OnParsePayload(ctx *sdk.ParseCtx) sdk.Action { return sdk.ActionNext() } func (p parser) HookIn() []sdk.HookBitmap { return []sdk.HookBitmap{ sdk.HOOK_POINT_HTTP_RESP, } } /* this demo use for convert and rewrite the response code according to the http response data in deepflow server. deepflow server use the json key "OPT_STATUS" indicate the response status, "OPT_STATUS": "SUCCESS" is success, otherwise assume fail and set the http status code to 500, the field map to deepflow as follows: response_code -> http status code response_result -> if "OPT_STATUS": "SUCCESS" will leave it empty, otherwise will set to the whole http response body response_status -> http code in [200, 400) will act as Ok, [400, 500) will act as client error, [500,-) will act as server error */ func onResp(r *http.Response) sdk.Action { body, err := readBody(r) if len(body) == 0 || err != nil { sdk.Warn("Error reading body: %v", err) return normalResp(r) } var m map[string]interface{} if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &m); err != nil { sdk.Warn("Error unmarshalling resp JSON: %v", err) return normalResp(r) } respMessage := formatRespData(m) hasError, err := interfaceResponseIntention(respMessage) if !hasError || err != nil { return normalResp(r) } var ( code = int32(500) ) respStatus := getStatus(code) return sdk.ParseActionAbortWithL7Info([]*sdk.L7ProtocolInfo{ { Resp: &sdk.Response{ Status: &respStatus, Code: &code, Result: string(body), }, }, }) } func formatRespData(responseBody map[string]interface{}) string { allMsgKeys := append(respPriorityMsgKeys, respOtherMsgKeys...) extractValueFromKeys := func(data map[string]interface{}, keys []string) (string, bool) { for _, key := range keys { if value, exists := data[strings.ToLower(key)]; exists { if strVal, ok := value.(string); ok { return strVal, true } } } return "", false } // 尝试从data中获取message if dataInterface, exists := responseBody["data"]; exists { if data, ok := dataInterface.(map[string]interface{}); ok { if message, found := extractValueFromKeys(data, allMsgKeys); found { return message } } // 如果data是字符串,直接跳过解析,从responseBody获取message } // 从responseBody获取message if message, found := extractValueFromKeys(responseBody, allMsgKeys); found { return message } return "" } /* 根据response body判断是否为异常请求 */ func interfaceResponseIntention(message string) (bool, error) { formData := url.Values{} formData.Set("text", message) data := formData.Encode() // 创建 TCP 连接 conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", net.JoinHostPort(BERTNER_BASE_HOST, BERTNER_BASE_PORT)) if err != nil { sdk.Warn("Error connecting to bertner server: %v", err) return false, nil } defer conn.Close() // 发送 HTTP 请求 request := buildPostRequest(BERTNER_BASE_HOST, BERTNER_BASE_PATH, data) _, err = conn.Write([]byte(request)) if err != nil { sdk.Warn("Error sending request to bertner server: %v", err) return false, nil } // 读取响应 response := readResponse(conn) if len(response) == 0 { return false, nil } // 提取响应体(去掉 HTTP 头部) body := extractResponseBody(response) if len(body) == 0 { return false, nil } sdk.Info("bertner server response body: %v", body) // 使用正则表达式提取 label label := extractLabel(body) if len(label) >= 6 && label[len(label)-6:] == "_error" { return true, nil } return false, nil } // 读取服务器响应 func readResponse(conn net.Conn) string { var response strings.Builder scanner := bufio.NewScanner(conn) for scanner.Scan() { response.WriteString(scanner.Text() + "\n") } if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil { sdk.Warn("Error reading response: %v", err) } return response.String() } // 提取响应体 func extractResponseBody(response string) string { // 按双换行符分割,提取响应体部分 parts := strings.SplitN(response, "\n\n", 2) if len(parts) < 2 { return "" } return strings.TrimSpace(parts[1]) // 去掉多余空白 } // 使用正则表达式提取 label func extractLabel(body string) string { // 匹配 "label" 的正则表达式 re := regexp.MustCompile(`"label"\s*:\s*"([^"]+)"`) matches := re.FindStringSubmatch(body) if len(matches) > 1 { return matches[1] // 返回匹配到的 label 值 } return "" } // 构造 POST 请求 func buildPostRequest(host, path, data string) string { var request bytes.Buffer request.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("POST %s HTTP/1.1\r\n", path)) request.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Host: %s\r\n", host)) request.WriteString("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n") request.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Content-Length: %d\r\n", len(data))) request.WriteString("Connection: close\r\n") request.WriteString("\r\n") request.WriteString(data) return request.String() } func readBody(r *http.Response) ([]byte, error) { var body []byte switch r.Header.Get("Content-Encoding") { case "gzip": g, err := gzip.NewReader(r.Body) if err != nil { sdk.Warn("failed to create gzip reader: %v", err) return body, err } body, _ = io.ReadAll(g) g.Close() default: body, _ = io.ReadAll(r.Body) } return body, nil } func normalResp(r *http.Response) sdk.Action { code := int32(r.StatusCode) status := getStatus(code) return sdk.ParseActionAbortWithL7Info([]*sdk.L7ProtocolInfo{ { Resp: &sdk.Response{ Status: &status, Code: &code, }, }, }) } /* HTTP码在[200, 400)将被视为Ok, 在[400, 500)将被视为客户端错误, [500,-)将被视为服务器错误 */ func getStatus(statusCode int32) sdk.RespStatus { if statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 400 { return sdk.RespStatusOk } if statusCode >= 400 && statusCode < 500 { return sdk.RespStatusClientErr } return sdk.RespStatusServerErr }
No response
agent: v6.5.9 server: v6.5.9
相同 tcp请求方式,本地测试是OK的,且网络无隔离
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agent: v6.5.9 server: v6.5.9
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