deepgram-devs / deepgram-chrome-extension

An Experimental Chrome extension for Deepgram
MIT License
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Numerous errors and warnings in the source code #13

Open eburnette opened 1 month ago

eburnette commented 1 month ago

Viewing the source in VSCode, I see dozens of errors and warnings. This gets in the way of understanding the example.

Here are two examples: image


Most of them are warnings about implicit 'any' types. It's recommended that they be fixed, but there are so many that you might want to disable them for now. To disable these warnings, you can add "noInplicitAny":false to the tsconfig.json file like this:

  "compilerOptions": {
    ... existing options ...
    "noImplicitAny": false

Errors about 'cannot find module' for SVG files can be fixed by creating a declarations.d.ts file in the src directory with this content:

declare module '*.svg' {
  const content: any;
  export default content;

That still leaves a dozen or so errors to fix.


ictsmc commented 1 week ago

image I also made some mistakes. Please fix them.