deepgram / deepgram-js-sdk

Official JavaScript SDK for Deepgram's automated speech recognition APIs.
MIT License
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Handle is_final and endpointing together with utterance end #264

Closed DamienDeepgram closed 2 months ago

DamienDeepgram commented 2 months ago

Proposed changes

This is an improved version to make it easier to understand the docs here

Users tend to not understand how to handle these things and our samples do not include how it works

Types of changes

What types of changes does your code introduce to the community Python SDK? Put an x in the boxes that apply

lukeocodes commented 2 months ago

hey bud, what's this for? might be worth making this a separate example file. don't be afraid to make as many examples as you want, just name them appropriately

DamienDeepgram commented 2 months ago

This is to properly handle the websocket messages for endpointing, utterance end and interim results

Here is the same for the Python SDK example