deepgram / deepgram-python-sdk

Official Python SDK for Deepgram's automated speech recognition APIs.
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fix: handle socket connection closed error in _signal_exit #355

Closed roerohan closed 2 months ago

roerohan commented 2 months ago

Proposed changes

In the _listening function, when there's a WebSocketException, the following line runs as a part of the error handling procedure.

Now, the WebSocketException might also be caused due to the socket connection breaking. In this case, an error is thrown of the following form

future: <Task finished name='Task-291' coro=<AsyncLiveClient._listening() done, defined at /usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/deepgram/clients/live/v1/> exception=ConnectionClosedError(Close(code=1011, reason='Deepgram did not receive audio data or a text message within the timeout window. See'), Close(code=1011, reason='Deepgram did not receive audio data or a text message within the timeout window. See'), True)>

While handling this exception, the _signal_exit function is called, which has the following lines

In line 488, we're doing a self._socket.send, which is bound to fail because the socket connection is closed. This throws an error from the _signal_exit method. Since _signal_exit is not wrapped in a try except, the _listening method also throws an error and exits. The following is a sample traceback.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/deepgram/clients/live/v1/", line 287, in _listening
    await self._signal_exit()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/deepgram/clients/live/v1/", line 478, in _signal_exit
    await self._socket.send(json.dumps({"type": "CloseStream"}))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/websockets/legacy/", line 635, in send
    await self.ensure_open()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/dist-packages/websockets/legacy/", line 939, in ensure_open
    raise self.connection_closed_exc()

In this PR, I've added a try except only around the self._socket.send. It might be necessary to add exception handling wherever _signal_exit is being called as well, as when _signal_exit throws an error, the while True loop will exit, and the listen_thread will not exist anymore. Therefore any transcripts will not be received for that connection.

Closes #356

Types of changes

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Further comments

dvonthenen commented 2 months ago

Ooooh very nice catch!

This needs to also be done for the sync client here, if you can add that would be great:

If you could replace this exception handling with this to provide more detail on the error, that would be great as well:

                except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedOK as e:
                    self.logger.notice(f"_signal_exit  - connection closed: {e.code}")
                except websockets.exceptions.WebSocketException as e:
                    self.logger.error("_signal_exit - WebSocketException: {str(e)}")
                except Exception as e:
                    self.logger.error("_signal_exit - Exception: {str(e)}")

Thanks for finding this issue!

roerohan commented 2 months ago

@dvonthenen thanks for the swift response!

I've updated the PR, please take a look and let me know if I should make any other changes too.

dvonthenen commented 2 months ago

This looks great! I appreciate finding and fixing this issue!