deepgram / deepgram-python-sdk

Official Python SDK for Deepgram's automated speech recognition APIs.
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GitHub Automation Minus Python Static Checking #394

Closed dvonthenen closed 1 month ago

dvonthenen commented 1 month ago

Proposed changes

This is all of the GitHub automation copied from the Go PR ( minus the Go static checking and lining.


Supported Environment:

NOTE: No windows support. Just submit the PR and use the PR to tell you what static checks and lints to fix.

In order to expedite implementation this feature, this does require the following to be installed:

Once you have docker installed, all other dependencies can be installed using:

make ensure-deps

NOTE: Just like this sounds, it will install things on your local laptop.

Significant Changes

To Run Locally:

You need to have cmake installed. Then just run: make help

vonthd@vonthds-MacBook-Pro-2:deepgram-go-sdk$ make help

Syntax: make <target>

  help            Display help
  version         display version of components
  ensure-deps     Ensure that all required dependency utilities are downloaded or installed
  lint            Performs Golang programming lint
  mdlint          Performs Markdown lint
  shellcheck      Performs bash/shell lint
  yamllint        Performs yaml lint
  actionlint      Performs GitHub Actions lint

Types of changes

What types of changes does your code introduce to the community Python SDK? Put an x in the boxes that apply


Put an x in the boxes that apply. You can also fill these out after creating the PR. If you're unsure about any of them, don't hesitate to ask. We're here to help! This is simply a reminder of what we are going to look for before merging your code.

Further comments