deepgram / deepgram-python-sdk

Official Python SDK for Deepgram's automated speech recognition APIs.
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Microphone Package/Library Isn't Supported on Windows #425

Open hasanshahid5678 opened 2 days ago

hasanshahid5678 commented 2 days ago

What is the current behavior?

I am trying to run the live streaming examples for async_http and async_microphone. It only prints 'Could not open socket:' and exits. I have also run synchronous code and it is running as expected. ## Steps to reproduce run python examples/streaming/async_http/ ## Expected behavior Could not open socket: ## Please tell us about your environment Windows 11, Python 3.11.5 ## Other information
dvonthenen commented 1 day ago

Hi @hasanshahid5678

Unfortunately, the Microphone package is not supported on Windows:

It's on the list to look at and I believe it's mostly a configuration issue. Just need to dedicate time to it.

hasanshahid5678 commented 1 minute ago

And I was only able to run aync_http using wsl terminal.