Closed raybellis closed 9 years ago
I think its possible to expose this functionality. I'll have a closer look later today.
Thanks very much! :) I'll be very happy to test, and help where I can. I have some familiarity with JNI, but not with hawtjni.
Didn't find time to deliver a fix tonight but the solution seems straight forward.
One thing to note is that the comparator is called a huge number of times in any db operation which will degrade performance substantially. So using a non-native comparator may not be a good idea... depending on your use case of course :-)
I get Howard's point, but leveldb's JNI has it, and LMDB's not having it is a bit of a deal breaker for my using LMDB with Java. In my case it's not particularly performance sensitive - I only need to do a single seek
call to find the closest matching key and then iterate from that point onwards. Thanks again :)
Sorry about the delay. I haven't been able to find time to work on this yet. Hopefully next week.
Thanks for the update :)
My initial idea was to let users provide a class which has a method signature which looks like this. The arguments are MDB_val pointers as specified by the LMDB API.
public static int compare(long ptr1, long ptr2) {
return 1;
A pointer to this method can fetched using the following new method in
@JniMethod(flags={MethodFlag.JNI, MethodFlag.POINTER_RETURN}, cast="jmethodID")
public static final native long GetStaticMethodID(
@JniArg(cast="jclass", flags={POINTER_ARG}) Class clazz,
String name,
String signature);
Users would register their comparator method/class using this new method on
public void setComparator(Transaction tx, Class comparatorClass) {
JNI.mdb_set_compare(tx.pointer(), this.pointer(), JNI.GetStaticMethodID(comparator, "compare", "(JJ)I"));
However, LMDB crashes as soon as a second item is inserted into the database and I haven't figured out why this happens yet. I'm gonna read up a bit more on JNI.
It's possible that LMDB simply doesn't like a comparator that always returns 1
. BTW, did you happen to look at the levelDB JNI implementation? I suspect that it's very similar to what would be required for LMDB. Thanks again...
The comparator is not called at all so there is something missing I think. I did have a look at LevelDB implementation but they do some C++ stuff which seems unnecessary if I understand correctly.
Thanks for your tips. I'll investigate further.
Good news. I managed to get LMDB to call a comparator using hawtjni-callback which seems like the right way to go. I haven't tested it too much yet but it looks promising :-)
Give a few more days to nail this.
Great - thanks again for your help on this. I'm very happy to help test it when I get back to the office on Monday if you put it on a branch.
No problem. What OS are you using?
I'm using OS X and Linux.
A first commit suggestion. This is not final. I will do more testing myself, just wanted to put it out in the open. Please try it out and feel free to provide any feedback you have.
The compare callback from LMDB provide memory addresses which is the wrong level of abstraction for users. My initial suggestion is to provide DirectBuffers to the comparator. However, this is also risky since users may screw up byte ordering, SIGSEGV memory addresses and thinking the implementation is buggy etc. One suggestion is to provide something safer similar to the BufferCursor.
What's your thoughts on this?
For my own use case I'd be happy with a pair of byte[]
, although longer term I guess something that doesn't involve a copy would be preferable.
Good call. A pair of byte arrays is the safest way to go. If we want to go faster we can always pull out zero-copy. I'll add a byte array method.
That looks perfect, thanks! I'll give it a thorough test on Monday :)
Sweet! Let me know how it goes. I'll test our supported platforms in the meantime and if everything is green i'll make a release end of next week.
Initial tests look good, but I have another issue that I'll raise a new ticket on that's impeding my debugging :+1:
This is working fine for me, thanks! :+1:
I need to be able to specify a custom comparator to be able to read data that is not stored in lexical order.
LevelDB's JNI interface has this, and I didn't spot that there's no apparent equivalent in LMDB JNI until just now :(