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Improve exception formatting so that truncation doesn't appear buggy #1240

Open rachelmbrubaker opened 3 years ago

rachelmbrubaker commented 3 years ago

Currently the formatter of error messages will truncate in a generic manner, but not with a user-friendly clean result.

Quick reproducer (though I don't see truncation here myself): throw new RuntimeException()

In particular, with a rather long code example (below), I got the following screenshot: both the first word DEFAULT and the (shortened) package name dropped their first character and this appears sloppy (even though technically correct for how we are truncating messages). Screen Shot 2021-09-09 at 12 10 40 PM

The longer code example for reference (Note that the following extra setup is needed to run: Put trainData.csv into /data

Install the following packages via pip, following the instructions here: pip install tensorflow pip install tensorflow_hub pip install sklearn pip install spacy pip install bs4

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
import tensorflow_hub as hub
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestCentroid
from sklearn.naive_bayes import BernoulliNB, MultinomialNB
import string
import re
import spacy
import deephaven.npy as inp
from deephaven.java_to_python import columnToNumpyArray
from deephaven import DynamicTableWriter, Types as dht
from deephaven.TableTools import timeTable

def cleanText(text):
    #to lowercase
    text = text.lower()
    #correct spaces (e.g. "End sentence.Begin another" becomes "End sentence. Begin another")
    text = re.sub(r'\.([a-zA-Z])', r'. \1', text)
    text = re.sub(r'\?([a-zA-Z])', r'. \1', text)
    text = re.sub(r'\!([a-zA-Z])', r'. \1', text)
    #replace q1,2,3,4 with q
    text = re.sub("q[1-4]", "q", text)
    #replace 20xx with 2000
    text = re.sub("20[0-2][0-9]", "2000", text)
    #lemmatize and remove stop words and punctuation
    nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
    doc = nlp(text)
    lemmatizedText = ""
    for token in doc:
        if not token.is_stop and not token.is_punct:
            lemma = token.lemma_
            if lemma == "-PRON-":
                lemma = "it"
            lemmatizedText += (lemma + " ")
    text = lemmatizedText
    return text

def shuffleTable(unshuffledTable):
    return unshuffledTable.update("__r=Math.random()").sort("__r").dropColumns("__r")

def centroid(trainTextVectorized, trainLabels, testTextVectorized):
    nc = NearestCentroid(metric='manhattan'), trainLabels)
    return nc.predict(testTextVectorized)

def naiveBayes(trainTextVectorized, trainLabels, testTextVectorized):
    nb = BernoulliNB(alpha=1), trainLabels)
    return nb.predict(testTextVectorized)

def preTrainedEmbedding(trainText, trainLabels, evalText, valSize, trainEmb=True):
    #initialize training, validation, and testing data
    valText = trainText[-1*valSize:]
    valLabels = trainLabels[-1*valSize:]
    trainText = trainText[:-1*valSize]
    trainLabels = trainLabels[:-1*valSize]
    #create and run model
    hub_layer = hub.KerasLayer("", output_shape=[20],
                            input_shape=[], dtype=tf.string, trainable=trainEmb)
    model = keras.Sequential(name="mymodel")
    model.add(keras.layers.Dense(16, activation='relu'))
    model.add(keras.layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
    history =,
                        validation_data=(valText, valLabels),
    model.predict(evalText, verbose=1)

def predict(text, model):
    if model == 'c' or model == 'nb':
        textVectorized = vectorizer.transform([text])
        if model == 'c':
            return int(centroid(trainTextVectorized, trainLabels, textVectorized)[0])
            return int(naiveBayes(trainTextVectorized, trainLabels, textVectorized)[0])
    elif model == 'e':
        return int(preTrainedEmbedding(trainText, trainLabels, text, 10))

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import re
import pandas as pd
import string
from deephaven.TableTools import emptyTable
from deephaven.conversion_utils import convertToJavaArray

#gets only those xml items which represent earnings call transcripts
def getEarningsCalls(items):
    return [item for item in items if item.title.text.split()[-3:] == ["Earnings", "Call", "Transcript"]]

#gets the symbol and quarter/year out of an article's header
def parseHeader(header):
    leftParenIdx = header.rindex("(")
    rightParenIdx = header.rindex(")")
    symbol = header[leftParenIdx+1:rightParenIdx]
    quarterIdx ="Q[1-4] 20[0-2][0-9]", header).start()
    quarter = header[quarterIdx:quarterIdx+7]
    return (symbol, quarter)

#find the index of the first paragraph that is equal to an item from the search list
#necessary for some functions below
def findIdx(paragraphs, searchList):
    idx = 0
    for paragraph in paragraphs:
        for title in searchList:
            if paragraph.text.lower()[:len(title)] == title:
                return idx
        idx += 1
    return idx

#gets the names of all the company participants on the call
#this is useful in other functions below
def getNames(paragraphs):
    #find the indices of the company participants and conference call participants roll-call sections
    companyList = ["company participants", "corporate participants", "executives", "company representatives"]
    confList = ["conference call participants", "analysts"]
    startIdx = findIdx(paragraphs, companyList)
    endIdx = findIdx(paragraphs, confList)

    #record the name of each company participant
    idx = startIdx + 1
    names = []
    while idx < endIdx:
        paragraph = paragraphs[idx]
        text = paragraph.text.split()
        if len(text) < 2:
        names.append(text[0] + " " + text[1])
        idx += 1
    return names

#removes the roll-call, operator announcement, and q&a sections of the call
def truncate(paragraphs, names):
    #find the indices of the operator and q&a sections
    operatorIdx = qaIdx = 0
    for paragraph in paragraphs:
        if paragraph.text.lower()[:len("operator")] == "operator":
        operatorIdx += 1
    for paragraph in paragraphs:
        if "id" in paragraph.attrs.keys() and paragraph["id"].lower()[:len("question-answer-session")] == "question-answer-session":
        qaIdx += 1

    #if there is an operator section, get the section between it and the q&a
    if operatorIdx < qaIdx:
        paragraphs = paragraphs[operatorIdx+1:qaIdx-1]
    #if there isn't an operator section, remove the company participant roll-call
    #this is necessary for the next step
        confList = ["conference call participants", "analysts"]
        confIdx = findIdx(paragraphs, confList)
        paragraphs = paragraphs[confIdx:qaIdx-1]

    #find the index of the first company participant's speaking section
    #this represents the start of either the safe-harbor statement or the CEO presentation
    nameIdx = 0
    for paragraph in paragraphs:
        text = paragraph.text.split()
        if len(text) < 2:
        name = text[0] + " " + text[1]
        if name in names:
        nameIdx += 1

    #remove everything before the first company participant's speaking section
    # print("op:%d\nqa:%d\nname:%d" % (operatorIdx, qaIdx, nameIdx))
    return paragraphs[nameIdx:]

#check if the call has a safe-harbor section
def hasSafeHarborStatement(paragraphs):
    phrases = ["10-K", "forward-looking statements", "forward-looking information", "non-GAAP"]
    for paragraph in paragraphs:
        for phrase in phrases:
            if phrase in paragraph.text:
                return True
    return False

#remove the call's safe-harbor section with the assumption that it exists
def removeSafeHarborStatement(paragraphs, names):
    #find the indices of the first two company participant speaking sections
    #the first company speaker always says the safe-harbor statement, so his/her section must be removed
    i = startIdx = endIdx = 0
    first = True
    for paragraph in paragraphs:
        text = paragraph.text.split()
        if text[0].lower() == "presentation":
            i += 1
        name = text[0] + " " + text[1]
        if name in names:
            if first:
                #this is the first speaker's index
                startIdx = i
                first = False
                #this is the second speaker's index
                endIdx = i
        i += 1

    #remove the section between the two indices, i.e. the first speaker's section
    return paragraphs[:startIdx] + paragraphs[endIdx+1:]

#removes all company participant names/paragraphs, as each name has its own paragraph in the call
def removeNames(paragraphs, names):
    return [paragraph for paragraph in paragraphs if not paragraph.text in names]

#convert a list of paragraphs into a single text string
def collate(paragraphs):
    s = ""
    for paragraph in paragraphs:
        s += paragraph.text
    return s

def runRSS():

    #get the rss feed
    feed = requests.get("").text
    soup = BeautifulSoup(feed, "xml")
    items = soup.find_all("item")
    items = getEarningsCalls(items)
    links = [ for item in items]

    #these store the data for articles where access is granted
    texts = []
    timestamps = []
    symbols = []
    quarters = []
    for link in links:
        #get the transcript article
        source = requests.get(link).text
        soup = BeautifulSoup(source, "lxml")

            #find the header, timestamp, and paragraphs of the article
            article = soup.find("article")
            header = article.header.find("div", id="a-hd").h1.text
            timestamp = article.header.find("div", id="a-hd").find("div", class_="a-info clearfix").time["content"]
            paragraphs = article.find("div", id="a-cont").find("div", id="a-body").find_all("p")

            #get symbol and quarter from the header
            symbol, quarter = parseHeader(header)

            #clean and collate the paragraphs
            names = getNames(paragraphs)
            paragraphs = truncate(paragraphs, names)
            if hasSafeHarborStatement(paragraphs):
                paragraphs = removeSafeHarborStatement(paragraphs, names)
            paragraphs = removeNames(paragraphs, names)
            text = collate(paragraphs)

            #store collected data
            # either bad article or access denied

    if len(texts) == 0:
        return False
    texts = convertToJavaArray(texts)
    timestamps = convertToJavaArray(timestamps)
    symbols = convertToJavaArray(symbols)
    quarters = convertToJavaArray(quarters)
    values = jpy.array("java.lang.String", 4)
    symCol = columnToNumpyArray(calls, "Sym")
    quarterCol = columnToNumpyArray(calls, "Quarter")
    containsNewCall = False
    for i in range(len(texts)):
        if symbols[i] not in symCol and quarters[i] not in quarterCol:
            containsNewCall = True
        values[0] = texts[i]
        values[1] = timestamps[i]
        values[2] = symbols[i]
        values[3] = quarters[i]
    return containsNewCall

DynamicTableWriter = jpy.get_type("io.deephaven.db.v2.utils.DynamicTableWriter")
#trainData = db.t("Noor", "trainingData")\
#    .moveUpColumns("Sym", "Quarter", "Label")
trainData = shuffleTable(trainData)
trainText = columnToNumpyArray(trainData, "Text")
trainLabels = inp.numpy_slice(trainData.view("Label"), 0, trainData.size(), dtype=np.int32)
trainLabels = np.reshape(trainLabels, -1)
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(max_features=1000, ngram_range = (1,1), norm='l1')
trainTextVectorized = vectorizer.fit_transform(trainText)

cols = ["Text", "RSSTimestamp", "Sym", "Quarter"]
types = [dht.string, dht.string, dht.string, dht.string,]
tw = DynamicTableWriter(cols, types)
calls = tw.getTable()\
    .firstBy("Sym", "Quarter")\
    .update("Text = (String)", "PredictedLabel = (int), `c`)", "PredictedLabel = PredictedLabel==0 ? -1 : PredictedLabel")\
    .moveUpColumns("Sym", "Quarter", "RSSTimestamp", "PredictedLabel")
tt = timeTable("'00:01:00'")\
callsPre = calls.view("Sym", "Date=convertDate(RSSTimestamp.substring(0,10))", "PredictedLabel")\
devinrsmith commented 3 years ago may be useful for the UI