deephaven / deephaven-core

Deephaven Community Core
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Fix SQL ArrayType / CustomType failure mode #5445

Closed devinrsmith closed 1 month ago

devinrsmith commented 1 month ago

The following code block now successfully runs. A couple of failure modes are indicated when a "bad" column type is used in an invalid way. In some cases Calcite will notice the issue, and other times, it will pass the query to the engine where it might fail.

from deephaven.experimental import sql
from deephaven import empty_table

a = {}
t1 = empty_table(4).view(["I=ii"])
t2 = t1.update("A = a")

# equivalent to t1_all = t1
t1_all = sql.evaluate('SELECT * FROM t1')

# equivalent to t2_all = t2
t2_all = sql.evaluate('SELECT * FROM t2')

# org.apache.calcite.sql.validate.SqlValidatorException: Cannot apply '+' to arguments of type '<JAVATYPE(CLASS IO.DEEPHAVEN.SQL.TYPEADAPTER$SQLTODOCUSTOMTYPE)> + <INTEGER>'. Supported form(s): '<NUMERIC> + <NUMERIC>'
#   at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DirectConstructorHandleAccessor.newInstance(
#   at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstanceWithCaller(
#   at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
#   at org.apache.calcite.runtime.Resources$ExInstWithCause.ex(
#   at org.apache.calcite.runtime.Resources$ExInst.ex(
#   ... 53 more
#t2_bad_op = sql.evaluate('SELECT A + 1 FROM t2')

# Requirement failed: required Comparable.class.isAssignableFrom(sortColumns[ii].getType()) || sortColumns[ii].getType().isPrimitive(), instead sortColumnNames[ii] == "A", sortColumns[ii].getType() == class org.jpy.PyDictWrapper.
#   at
#   at io.deephaven.base.verify.Require.requirement(
#   at io.deephaven.base.verify.Require.requirement(
#   at io.deephaven.engine.table.impl.SortOperation.<init>(
#t2_engine_sort = sql.evaluate('SELECT A FROM t2 ORDER BY A')

Fixes #5443