If you create a line plot in plotly express, it seems to just use the canvas instead of the WebGL optimized canvas. We should be using WebGL to render when it is enabled. With legacy plots it does use WebGL.
Steps to reproduce
Run the following:
from deephaven.plot import express as dx
from deephaven.plot.figure import Figure
2. Check the plot `p_legacy` Chart component props data type
3. From the React DevTools, check the plot `p` Chart component props data type
**Expected results**
2. Plot type should be `scattergl`
3. Plot type should be `scattergl`
**Actual results**
2. Plot type is `scattergl` for the legacy plot
3. Plot type is just `scatter` for the express plot
**Additional details and attachments**
Engine Version: 0.36.1
Web UI Version: 0.90.0
Java Version: 11.0.24
Barrage Version: 0.6.0
Browser Name: Chrome 129
OS Name: Linux
@deephaven/js-plugin-plotly-express: 0.11.2
@deephaven/js-plugin-ui: 0.22.0
Seems p_scatter = dx.scatter(_stocks, "Timestamp", "Random") does render with scattergl, perhaps we only disabled this on line plots when downsampling is enabled?
If you create a line plot in plotly express, it seems to just use the canvas instead of the WebGL optimized canvas. We should be using WebGL to render when it is enabled. With legacy plots it does use WebGL.
Steps to reproduce
_stocks = dx.data.stocks()
p = dx.line(_stocks, "Timestamp", "Random") p_legacy = Figure().plot_xy(series_name="Plot", t=_stocks, x="Timestamp", y="Random").show()