deepinsight / insightface

State-of-the-art 2D and 3D Face Analysis Project
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How to analyze the picture of 4k format? #979

Open yaoshuyu opened 4 years ago

yaoshuyu commented 4 years ago

您好! 我的设备自动产出4k幅面的图片,但是将这种图片输入进insightface后总是提示显卡显存overload,我的机器用的2080(8g)的显卡,请问如何能让insightface在不更换显卡的前提下处理4k幅面的图片?

My device automatically produces a 4k format image, but after importing this image into the Insightface, it always prompts the graphics card memory to be overloaded. My machine uses a 2080 (8g) graphics card. How can I make the Insightface processing pictures in 4k format without replacing the graphics card ?

nttstar commented 4 years ago

use smaller backbone

yaoshuyu commented 4 years ago

Can you say more in detail? I am a beginner for this.

Walstruzz commented 4 years ago


yaoshuyu commented 4 years ago

我现在直接用的python import insightface, 发现arcface_r100_v1这个模型对我的电脑来说太大了,想更换成r50的模型,但是他线上的model_store里边好像没有相应的模型,我就不知道应该怎么办了。 线上 http: // 中和arcface有关的库只有arcface_r100_v1 一个。