deepjavalibrary / djl

An Engine-Agnostic Deep Learning Framework in Java
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Error occured after packaging to jar #1428

Closed UESTCkevin closed 2 years ago

UESTCkevin commented 2 years ago

I was trying to load a Onnx model by using ModelZoo.loadModel(). Here is my code:

123 ```java public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException { LoadDll loadDll = new LoadDll(); loadDll.loadOpenCV(); Translator yoloV5Translator = YoloV5Translator.builder().optSynsetArtifactName("person.names").build(); Criteria criteria = Criteria.builder() .setTypes(Image.class, DetectedObjects.class) .optDevice(Device.cpu()) .optModelPath(Paths.get("src/main/resources/yolov5s/person.onnx")) .optTranslator(yoloV5Translator) .optEngine("OnnxRuntime") .build(); try (ZooModel model = ModelZoo.loadModel(criteria)) { FFmpegFrameGrabber fFmpegFrameGrabber = FFmpegFrameGrabber.createDefault("src/main/resources/video/person.mp4"); fFmpegFrameGrabber.start(); int videoLength = fFmpegFrameGrabber.getLengthInFrames(); Frame f; int i = 0; while (i < videoLength) { f = fFmpegFrameGrabber.grabImage(); Java2DFrameConverter converter = new Java2DFrameConverter(); BufferedImage bi = converter.getBufferedImage(f); Mat oldFrame = BufImg2Mat(bi, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR, CvType.CV_8UC3); Mat frame = new Mat(); Imgproc.resize(oldFrame, frame, new Size(640, 640)); detect(frame, model); HighGui.imshow("yolov5", frame); HighGui.waitKey(10); i++; } fFmpegFrameGrabber.stop(); } catch (RuntimeException | ModelException | TranslateException | IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } ```

Code runs perfectly fine on IDE but after I packaged it to jar and try 'java -jar PersonDetect.jar', an error occured as below: Any suggestions on this issue?

UESTCkevin commented 2 years ago

Image is here. image

frankfliu commented 2 years ago


You might hit this issue:

Can you share your dependencies and build script file?

And aslo share the file names in your .jar file:

jar tvf PersonDetect.jar
UESTCkevin commented 2 years ago

@frankfliu Here is my pom.xml:

pom.xml ``` 4.0.0 org.example PersonDetect 1.0-SNAPSHOT 8 8 0.11.0 org.apache.maven.plugins maven-assembly-plugin PersonDetect jar-with-dependencies org.slf4j slf4j-nop 1.7.2 ai.djl api ${djl.version} ai.djl.pytorch pytorch-model-zoo ${djl.version} ai.djl.pytorch pytorch-engine ${djl.version} runtime ai.djl.pytorch pytorch-native-auto 1.8.1 ai.djl.onnxruntime onnxruntime-engine 0.12.0 org.bytedeco javacv-platform 1.5.6 ```

I packaged my project to jar by command 'mvn assembly:assembly' and then I got two .jar file in the 'target' folder which are 'PersonDetect-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar' and 'PersonDetect-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar'.

I ran 'java -jar PersonDetect-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar' and here is what I got:

Error ``` PS E:\JavaProject\PersonDetect\target> java -jar PersonDetect-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar Windows 10 64 bit load success! ai.djl.repository.zoo.ModelNotFoundException: ModelZoo doesn't support specified with engine: OnnxRuntime at ai.djl.repository.zoo.ModelZoo.loadModel( at PersonDetect.main( ```

Thank you for any advice.

frankfliu commented 2 years ago

@UESTCkevin You run into the same issue as: #940

We use ServiceLoader to load model zoo and engines. maven assembly removes the duplicate serviceloader files in the uber jar, you should consider use maven-shade-plugin to keep all duplicate files in your jar.

Or you can consider use gradle to build project. In gradle it's pretty straight-forward, see example:

UESTCkevin commented 2 years ago

@frankfliu Thanks for replying. I switched maven-assembly-plugin to maven-shade-plugin. This is my new pom.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""



                            implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ServicesResourceTransformer" />


After I executed mvn clean package I got two .jar files in the 'target' folder which are 'PersonDetect-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar' and 'original-PersonDetect-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar'. I executed java -jar PersonDetect-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar but I still got the same error as below:

PS E:\JavaProject\PersonDetect\target> java -jar PersonDetect-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 
Windows 10 64 bit load success!
ai.djl.repository.zoo.ModelNotFoundException: No matching model with specified Input/Output type found.
        at ai.djl.repository.zoo.ModelZoo.loadModel(
        at PersonDetect.main(

Do you have any other advice?

frankfliu commented 2 years ago

@UESTCkevin The error message is different from your last error. Can you share the complete project so I can reproduce it?

You might want to enable debug log level, so you can see the detail about model loading:

UESTCkevin commented 2 years ago

@frankfliu Thanks for replying. This is my project address: Opencv resources is located in 'src/main/resources/opencv' folder. Thanks again for helping.

frankfliu commented 2 years ago


I tried your project on Windows, it's working fine in both IntelliJ and command line:

cd PersonDetect
java -jar target/PersonDetect-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

The error most likely is because you are running in target folder. In your code you use relative file path src/main/resources/yolov5s/person.onnx, this path doesn't exists in target folder

UESTCkevin commented 2 years ago

@frankfliu It works after I run java -jar target/PersonDetect-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar. Thanks for your help!