deepjyoti30 / QuickWall

Set latest wallpapers from Unsplash from the commandline
MIT License
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QuickWall Colors #21

Open rainodus opened 2 years ago

rainodus commented 2 years ago

The color scheme is removed if I restart the computer. (Arch Linux i3-gaps downloaded from AUR)

deepjyoti30 commented 2 years ago

How are you setting the color scheme? Is it through the config file?

That's very weird behaviour. As long as the config file is located where it is located even after a restart, it should work with restarts as well.

rkmax commented 1 year ago

I'm also interested in know how the theme and wallpaper is saved

deepjyoti30 commented 1 year ago

The wallpaper and theme are not handled directly by QuickWall.

Based on the wallpaper setter you use, it should make sure that the wallpaper stays beyond restarts. The theme is handled by pywal and it takes care of keeping it through restarts.

The wallpapers are downloaded to the local directory but that can be changed by using the --dir flag.