$ npx deepkit-sql --help
/tmp/my-deepkit-app/node_modules/.bin/deepkit-sql: 1: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
$ node node_modules/.bin/deepkit-sql --help
$ node deepkit-sql [COMMAND]
migration:create Generates a new migration file based on a database diff.
migration:down Executes down migration, reverting old migration files.
migration:pending Shows pending migration files.
migration:up Executes pending migration files. Use migration:pending to see which are pending.
For more information on a specific command or topic, type '[command/topic] --help'
I'm trying to use @deepkit/orm standalone.
https://github.com/deepkit/deepkit-framework/blob/v1.0.1-alpha.153/packages/sql/bin/deepkit-sql.js There's no shebang. Therefore, the command cannot be used with
npx deepkit-sql