deeplearning-wisc / dice

Code for ECCV 2022 paper "DICE: Leveraging Sparsification for Out-of-Distribution Detection"
MIT License
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Some small issues with reproducing the published results #2

Closed ChristopherBrix closed 1 year ago

ChristopherBrix commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the interesting paper and for making your source code available!

I tried to replicate your results on the CIFAR-100 network and noticed some issues:

No sparsity FPR AUROC AUIN
SVHN 87.64 81.83 86.29
LSUN 14.83 97.43 97.62
LSUN_resize 75.52 77.76 79.35
iSUN 78.77 76.78 79.92
dtd 84.49 71.04 76.53
places365 78.33 77.95 78.22
AVG 69.93 80.46 82.99
90% sparsity FPR AUROC AUIN
SVHN 59.20 88.60 90.35
LSUN 0.91 99.74 99.74
LSUN_resize 54.87 88.27 89.30
iSUN 52.35 88.53 90.12
dtd 61.42 77.13 79.36
places365 80.36 77.09 77.48
AVG 51.52 86.56 87.73

These scores are close to those you report in Table 9, but not exactly the same. Is there some randomness involved? Especially LSUN_resize is off by quite a bit. Also, you state that you report standard deviations across 5 independent runs, but only do so for DICE, why is this the case?

Edit: Also, could you add a license to your code, so we can build upon it in future work?

Edit2: I'm unable to replicate all rows in Table 9 other than MSP, Energy and DICE. For Odin and Mahalanobis, there's a flag I can set to use this technique, but it requires some config values that I don't have. For the others, I don't know how to run them at all.

sunyiyou commented 1 year ago


I just added the license. Here are some responses to your question:

5 independent runs mean 5 different models. This repo only provides minimal code to reproduce the main results.

For places image index and other methods you are interested in, you can take a look at We build the repo mainly based on that code base.