deeplycloudy / xlma-python

A future, Python-based version of xlma?
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Performance of matplotlib #1

Open deeplycloudy opened 5 years ago

deeplycloudy commented 5 years ago

It would be good to benchmark draw times for 1M scatterplot points in matplotlib. This equates to 250k LMA sources plotted in four panels, which is a high-end number for ten minutes of data from a thunderstorm.

Also benchmark manual colormapping via a subset of data into 256 equal chunks and then plotting with a 256 individual calls to plt.plot instead of plt.scatter.

deeplycloudy commented 5 years ago

Try the same thing with Yt - ParticlePlot does what we need.

deeplycloudy commented 4 years ago

gluevizhas a density-shader fallback for large numbers of points in matplotlib.