deepmodeling / abacus-develop

An electronic structure package based on either plane wave basis or numerical atomic orbitals.
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Notes: projected orbital selection in QO calculated from LCAO may be highly nontrivial #3640

Closed kirk0830 closed 4 months ago

kirk0830 commented 4 months ago

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Connected with reported problem of Quaisatomic Orbital (QO) implementation: #3632 #3484

Theoretical background

QO method is for finding subspace from a space spanned by states calculated from DFT which is relatively large. It is expected that QO can extract subspace composed of bands of interest. However, the projection from the large space to the subspace might be a non-trivial task.




Also should define things related to the subspace.

In ABACUS, the Hamiltonian and overlap matrix in NAO representation is calculated and output to file, along with the NAO-atom-centered orbital overlap matrix. In Python code, QOs are constructed and Hamilontian, overlap matrices are calculated.


QO is defined to be calculated in the following way:
$|Q{\mu}(\mathbf{R})\rangle=\sum{\mathbf{k}}{\sum{n}{|\varphi{n}(\mathbf{k})\rangle\langle\varphi{n}(\mathbf{k})|A{\mu}(\mathbf{R})\rangle}}$ where $|A{\mu}(\mathbf{R})\rangle$ is atom-centered orbital in real space. The overlap between QO in realspace is obviously to be: $S{\mu\nu}^{\mathrm{QO}}(\mathbf{R})=\sum_{\mathbf{k}}{\sumn{\langle A{\mu}(\mathbf{0})|\varphi_n(\mathbf{k})\rangle\langle\varphin(\mathbf{k})|A{\nu}(\mathbf{R})\rangle}}$ , of which the physical meaning is clear: the overlap between QOs in real space is the that of atom-centered orbital represented in space of ${\varphi_n(\mathbf{k})}$. It is the same for Hamiltonian matrix in QO representation but this time write in matrix form:
$\mathbf{H}^{QO}\left(\mathbf{R}\right)=\left[\mathbf{D}\left(\mathbf{k}\right)\mathbf{S}^{\phi A}\left(\mathbf{k}\right)\right]^{\dagger}\mathbf{H}\left(\mathbf{k}\right)\left[\mathbf{D}\left(\mathbf{k}\right)\mathbf{S}^{\phi A}\left(\mathbf{k}\right)\right]$ where $\mathbf{D}\left(\mathbf{k}\right)$ is density matrix in ${\varphi_n(\mathbf{k})}$ space, and $\mathbf{S}^{\phi A}\left(\mathbf{k}\right)$ is overlap matrix between NAO and atom-centered orbital.
However ${\varphi_n(\mathbf{k})}$ and ${\psi_n(\mathbf{k})}$ are not the same. The latter is subspace of the former, the rest of the former is constructed from atom-centered orbitals, which more specifically speaking are those cannot be represented by ${\psin(\mathbf{k})}$, and treated as empty states introduced. Keep in mind there must be orthogonality between solved occupied states and introduced empty states, thus to get the correct set of empty states, from atom-centered orbitals, one should remove the occupied states from the set of atom-centered orbitals: $|A{\mu}^{\text{empty}}\rangle = |A{\mu}\rangle-\sum{n}{|\varphi{n}\rangle\langle\varphi{n} | A_{\mu}\rangle}$ Orthogonality should also be kept between introduced empty states, this is guranateed by explicit diagonalization of overlap matrix between empty states.
Remember the dimension of QO (or say the subspace) is the same as the number of atom-centered orbitals, therefore the number of empty states ($Nc$) plus dimension of manually selected subspace spanned by ${\psi_n(\mathbf{k})}$ ($Nb$) should be the same as the number of atom-centered orbitals ($Nq$), thus only $Nq-Nb=Nc$ empty states are needed to be introduced, which in actual implementation only the $Nc$ eigenvectors with largest eigenvalues are kept.
Combining ${\psi_n(\mathbf{k})}$ with empty states, the set of ${\varphi_n(\mathbf{k})}$ is complete, and the density matrix $\mathbf{D}\left(\mathbf{k}\right)$ can be constructed.



In ABACUS, two different ways to construct atomic orbitals are implemented: pswfc and hydrogen. The former use pseudo-wavefunction from pseudopotential file, while the latter directly construct hydrogen-like (single-electron) raidal function with Laguerre Polynomials. The band reproduction result is poor (blue circles are eigenvalues solved from eigenequation in rep. of QO, lines are result of LCAO):
(pswfc, use all pswfcs for projection)
image At all other kpoints, diagonalization fails due to non-positive-definite of QO overlap.
Change kpoint mesh from 999 to 555 or 777:
image image Change pswfc to hydrogen, the strategy for generating orbitals set to minimal-nodeless, for Si will produce 1s, 2p and 3d orbitals (nodeless radial functions, generate to nmax the principle quantum number):
image image image Change to minimal-valence, for Si generate 3s, 3p and 3d orbitals:
image image image Change to energy-valence, for Si generate 3s and 3p orbitals:
image image image


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kirk0830 commented 4 months ago

With single zeta orbitals, I get this result: img_v3_028i_e2f32a4a-20c3-4543-a1ad-537c5b5ed70g Seems the space spanned by numerical atomic orbital is small and any other constructed orbital would have significant part of space spanned outside the space of numerical atomic orbitals.

kirk0830 commented 4 months ago

I will submit a pull request to update ABACUS QO module and close this issue temporarily. cc. @QG-phys