deepnight / redistHelper

A small Windows script to quickly create redistribuable of an existing simple HL/JS/SWF haxe project.
Apache License 2.0
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Hiding console window on Windows build #5

Open parkersprouse opened 4 years ago

parkersprouse commented 4 years ago


I'm not very familiar with building C code, so redistHelper has been a life saver for my Heaps projects, so thank you for creating it!

One thing that I would like to ask about though is the console window that pops open with the game when you launch a project built on Windows. I know you can call hl.UI.closeConsole() to close it after the game launches, but that still results in the prompt briefly flashing when launching the game, and I personally dislike that.

Are there any changes that can be made to redistHelper to remove the console window entirely? Any flags that can be added to the Windows build command that can accomplish this? I'd be willing to fork / clone the repo and do it myself, I'm more asking for some direction if you didn't have the time or weren't personally interested in doing it yourself.

Thank you for any help!

deepnight commented 4 years ago

The issue is related to Hashlink itself, and I agree that an option to not show the console at all would be great :)

You can write an issue there:

Grimo0 commented 2 years ago

Hi ! This seems to have solve the issue :

editbin.exe /subsystem:windows hl.exe, where editbin is a part of Visual Studio

deepnight commented 2 years ago

True, but it forces the user to install the whole Visual Studio thing just to change this app flag 🤔 I'm still hoping for an actual fix, as it used to work before some undetermined update.

Grimo0 commented 2 years ago

What about updating the bundled hl.exe ?