deepskydetail / AstroSharp

Astrosharp Astronomical Sharpening Tool
MIT License
101 stars 6 forks source link

Multi platform support #1

Open KMilhan opened 1 year ago

KMilhan commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the awesome project!

Do you have any plan to support another platform such as Linux?

deepskydetail commented 1 year ago

Yes, at some point! I'm currently trying to get it working for mac (not much success), also looking at Linux.

SimonTelescopium commented 10 months ago

Thanks for doing this. I would love to see a LINUX version also :-)

lcoronelp commented 10 months ago


I have created a shell script file to eliminate the necessity of using RStudio.

This script was tested on Xubuntu 22.04 with a fresh R installation. Although the process of installing dependencies took a considerable amount of time, it successfully completed in the end.

The script is named "" and is located in the same "shiny" folder.

When executed, it opens a new tab in the default browser, displaying the running app.

Here is the script:



# List of packages
packages=("shiny" "shinycssloaders" "neuralnet" "dplyr" "ggthemes" "tiff" "htmltools" "reshape2" "waveslim" "imager" "bslib" "parallel" "foreach" "doParallel" "doSNOW" "remotes")

# Loop over the packages and install if not already installed
for package in "${packages[@]}"
    R --no-echo -e "if (!require('${package}', character.only = TRUE)) install.packages('${package}', repos='')"

# Install 'neuralnet' package from GitHub
R --no-echo -e "remotes::install_github('bips-hb/neuralnet')"

# RUN #

# Get the directory of the current script

# Run the R script
R -e "shiny::runApp('$dir/app.R',launch.browser=TRUE)" --no-save

I hope this works on other operating systems like Mac or other Unix-based systems.

Greetings and many thanks again for such a good app.

PS: I may consider proposing a visual and UX rework soon, depending on the time my job allows me.

deepskydetail commented 10 months ago

Awesome! Thank you so much for this :)

SimonTelescopium commented 9 months ago

Thanks for doing this, I'm a bit of a noob, my main interest is astronomy. My system, Tuxedo OS2, doesn't have R, RStudio or shiny - I'm not even completely sure what they are but I think they are a bit like apt? Any suggestions?

lcoronelp commented 8 months ago

Hi, the modified script to work with the last version of the code 5.0.7 in Linux (add the shinyWidgets package)



# List of packages
packages=("shiny" "shinycssloaders" "neuralnet" "dplyr" "ggthemes" "tiff" "htmltools" "reshape2" "waveslim" "imager" "bslib" "parallel" "foreach" "doParallel" "doSNOW" "remotes" "shinyWidgets")

# Loop over the packages and install if not already installed
for package in "${packages[@]}"
    R --no-echo -e "if (!require('${package}', character.only = TRUE)) install.packages('${package}', repos='')"

# Install 'neuralnet' package from GitHub
R --no-echo -e "remotes::install_github('bips-hb/neuralnet')"

# RUN #

# Get the directory of the current script

# Run the R script
R -e "shiny::runApp('$dir/app.R',launch.browser=TRUE)" --no-save
ajeb78 commented 6 months ago

I've tested the script on Ubuntu 23.10 and it works fine, except for the last line which was trying to run /bin/app.R, however once the installation was done it was simple enough to figure out how to modify the last line to run the app.

stevelcb commented 2 months ago

Hi Great project. Thanks.

Problems getting it to run on Ubuntu 22.04.3. Running the script went OK except it was missing imager. I installed imager. At the R prompt:



R -e "shiny::runApp('/home/steve/AstroSharp/resources/app/app.R',launch.browser=TRUE)" --no-save

No idea if this is the intended method though.

Thanks again, Steve

stevelcb commented 2 months ago

Hi Problem using Hybrid model Ubuntu 22.04 Any ideas on this? TIA, Steve

Warning: Error in if: argument is of length zero
  168: renderPlot [/home/steve/AstroSharp/resources/app/app.R#552]
  166: func
  126: drawPlot
  112: <reactive:plotObj>
   96: drawReactive
   83: renderFunc
   82: output$p2
    1: shiny::runApp
Warning: Error in hist.default: 'x' must be numeric
  171: stop
  170: hist.default
  168: renderPlot [/home/steve/AstroSharp/resources/app/app.R#572]
  166: func
  126: drawPlot
  112: <reactive:plotObj>
   96: drawReactive
   83: renderFunc
   82: output$p3
    1: shiny::runApp

Screen: p2

stevelcb commented 2 months ago

I've put a how-to-build-on-Ubuntu here: But please bear in mind, I'm not an expert in anything tech. So at your own risk and stuff... Cheers

deepskydetail commented 2 months ago

Thanks for doing the blog post! And sorry for not getting back sooner!

With the first error, you could open up R and run the following code "install.packages("imager"). But it looks like you figured that out already ;)

The hybrid model has been broken for a while now. I need to put out a fix. I just haven't had much time lately. Let me know if I missed anything.

Thanks! Mark

On Sat, Mar 16, 2024 at 3:48 PM stevelcb @.***> wrote:

I've put a how-to-build-on-Ubuntu here: But please bear in mind, I'm not an expert in anything tech. So at your own risk and stuff... Cheers

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