deepskystacker / DSS

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5.1.0 Beta 2 Endless MessageBox loop after deleting file a file #161

Closed OldFriendEr closed 1 year ago

OldFriendEr commented 1 year ago

When deleting already registered file via file explorer, back in DSS trying to click on that file will generate an error message, closing it will open the same error again.

Expected behavior is, getting the error once and removing that file from the list.

perdrix52 commented 1 year ago

Patient: It hurts if I do that Doctor: Don't do that!

Seriously though if you want to delete a file you can right click on it in the image list.

I'll take a look to see if there's an easy way to remove the file from the list in this case


perdrix52 commented 1 year ago

I've put a fix into Beta 3 that will open a message box saying:

does not exist or is not a file. if a file is deleted outside DSS. It won't remove the line from the file list, but you can press the Delete key to do that.