deepskystacker / DSS

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Computing the number of stars is seriously slow/impossible in 5.10 #172

Closed maboleth closed 1 year ago

maboleth commented 1 year ago

On 4.2.6 the calculation speed is almost instant (literal 1-2sec).

On 5.1.0 it's over 3 minutes for same files to reach 74% then went on several minutes to go to 86%.

Then I closed the app as this went over 5 minutes.

It does say "4 Processors used" - not sure why since all are checked to be used.]

Ryzen 3700 32gb ram 5500 GPU AMD Windows 11 PRO

perdrix52 commented 1 year ago

Please will you follow instructions and report problems to the DeepSkyStacker mailing list at

In the meantime check your star detection threshold - it may be way too low resulting in many 1000s of stars being detected.

Try seeing what it is set to in 4.2.6 and the use that value in 5.1.0

mtoeltsch commented 1 year ago

Hi maboleth,

I'm very much interested in investigating this issue. Could you please go to the mailing list and let us know if you were already able to solve it (by adjusting the threshold)? If not, can you please provide test data (e.g. via Dropbox or similar)? In the meanwhile you could also try turning SIMD on/off and Multithreading on/off. Please also post to the mailing list if that changed anything.

Thanks, Martin

perdrix52 commented 1 year ago

Fixed in 5.1.3