deepskystacker / DSS

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Translate DeepSkyStacker in another language #186

Open bob-zebedy opened 1 year ago

bob-zebedy commented 1 year ago

I want to translate DeepSkyStacker in Simplified Chinese language. Is it by the steps in

perdrix52 commented 1 year ago

No it isn’t. Right now the translation is a mixture of Qt Linguist and editing .rc files Once the porting to Qt is complete I will happily accept your proposal to translate DSS to mainland Chinese. But right it would an exercise in frustration for you.


perdrix52 commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately the DeepSkyStacker website is now sadly out of date and isn't owned by me.

bob-zebedy commented 1 year ago

No it isn’t. Right now the translation is a mixture of Qt Linguist and editing .rc files Once the porting to Qt is complete I will happily accept your proposal to translate DSS to mainland Chinese. But right it would an exercise in frustration for you.


So currently I need to wait for porting QT to finish.