deepskystacker / DSS

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DSS5.1.5 - Error Message "The System canno find the path specified" #202

Closed SiriusLux2023 closed 9 months ago

SiriusLux2023 commented 9 months ago

Check the Wiki Before you report any issues it is worth checking the DeepSkyStacker Wiki:

If you aren't a member the DeepSkyStacker mailing list, please join by sending an email to:

Once you have successfully joined the mailing list please report the problem on the mailing list by sending an email to:

Your email should contain the following information:

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. Please specify the version of DeepSkyStacker and if relevant whether the problem is with DeepSkyStacker Live or DeepSkyStacker Command Line

Provide necessary data to reproduce the problem Most problems with DeepSkyStacker will need you to upload a minimal set of files that allow the problem to be recreated including a dssfilelist to a file sharing site. Obviously if the problem can be recreated with any (or no data) such as a UI problem then we don't need that.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

Here's my issue, when I try to launch DSS I get the Error Message: "The System cannot find the path specified". Here's my working environment: OS: Windows 10 pro 64 bit, DSS Version: 5.1.5 DSS installed in the following path: "C:\Program Files\DeepSkyStacker" The drives: SSD with volume C: (for OS and some programs) 313GB free and volume D: (for programs) 138GB free HD with volume E: (for data) 1.18TB free No matter whether I try to launch DSS 5.1.5 from the start menu or through a double-click on "DeepSkyStacker.exe" the error message appear. This was not the case with version 5.1.3. I frankly don't know what to do.

perdrix52 commented 9 months ago

So you didn't do as you were asked (which is to post your problem to the mailing list)!!!?????

So why should I provide support when you were asked to report it on the mailing list as VERY CLEARLY instructed above.

Please do as you were asked.

Also please provide a display of the desktop shortcut for DeepSkyStacker (does it point to D: or C:)

Assume the message is a windows popup message. Please attach a screen shot to your post to the mailing list of the error message.