deepsphere / deepsphere-weather

A spherical CNN for weather forecasting
MIT License
64 stars 8 forks source link

tutorials dir problem #2

Open EricPengShuai opened 2 years ago

EricPengShuai commented 2 years ago

There is no such file in the folder you provided, right?

Could you please provide complete training dataset?

Thanks in advance

mdeff commented 2 years ago

There's indeed no such file. Sorry the project is still in development and things are fluid. I guess we'll provide all the data in a zenodo archive or something at the end.

In the meantime, what do you want to achieve? Maybe @ghiggi can advise and/or share this data with you.

ghiggi commented 2 years ago

I could provide you next week with 1 year of data at coarse resolution (sizing 100-500 MB). The full training dataset sizes several Terabytes unfortunately ...

EricPengShuai commented 2 years ago

@mdeff @ghiggi Thanks for your reply. In fact, I am new to Spherical CNN. I just want to implement a spherical image information extraction using spherical CNN module. Can you give me some guidance on how to implement it with your provided code. Thanks in advance.

mdeff commented 2 years ago

You can find spherical layers (both convolutions and poolings) in modules/ They are to be used like standard PyTorch layers (see modules/