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wishlist: documentation #1

Open yasserf opened 7 years ago

yasserf commented 7 years ago


We want to create a central place to capture all of your documentation requests for, which could both be things that are:

This will help us put together a much more visible roadmap!

The ideal comment could have a format like this:


How to host on ECS

Type: External

Description: Would like to have a guide on setting up on ECS



Deepstream Record Lifecycles

Type: Internal

Description: How does a deepstream record lifecycle look like? What does it exactly do?

Or to quote the original author:

there really needs to be a lifecycle explanation/diagram. im going nuts trying to figure out the lifecycle if a record when calling unsubscribe, discard, delete, setName, etc. lol and the reusability of a record



How to make my furniture less lonely

Type: Internal

Description: How can I use to build a furniture dating app?

Or to quote the original author (totally paraphrasing here) (also idea is already taken sorry =P):

I want to build a matching app for my furniture and those seeking furniture, so that I can swipe through all the stuff out there till I find me the perfect match. How can I use deepstream/Hub to do this and how much time would it take?


roblav96 commented 7 years ago

@yasserf A kitchensink/sandbox/playground would be a game changer to hurdle over the learning curve. I'm a hands on learner and I need to get my hands on something in order to fully understand it. Create a forkable repo that basically mimics the tests you've written already, but demonstrate the features and connectivity spec. Then the user can tinker with the codebase to better understand how everything works.

yasserf commented 5 years ago

Def need to do this for the V4 release!