deeptime-ml / deeptime

Python library for analysis of time series data including dimensionality reduction, clustering, and Markov model estimation
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Cross Validation score for MaximumLikelihoodMSMs and BayesianMSMs #293

Closed prateekbansal97 closed 3 months ago

prateekbansal97 commented 3 months ago

Hello deeptime developers,

I would like to request a pyemma-style cross validation score for scoring MSMs (MaximumLikelihoodMSM, BayesianMSM), which was a useful tool in pyemma to plot the errors in VAMP score.

An implementation in pyemma looked like:


If not as a feature, I would like guidance as to how to calculate the scores with the current implementation.

P.S. Your tools are highly useful in general, thanks for the nice implementation!.


clonker commented 3 months ago

Cheers, you are right, I have never added an example regarding that! My bad! For the time being, you can check this notebook:

The relevant bit is this:

from deeptime.decomposition import TICA, vamp_score_cv

fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 3), sharey=True)
labels = ['backbone\ntorsions', 'heavy Atom\ndistances']
tica_estimator = TICA(lagtime=lags[0], dim=dim)

for ax, lag in zip(axes.flat, lags):
    tica_estimator.lagtime = lag
    torsions_scores = vamp_score_cv(tica_estimator, trajs=bbtorsions, blocksplit=False, n=3)
    scores = [torsions_scores.mean()]
    errors = [torsions_scores.std()]
    distances_scores = vamp_score_cv(tica_estimator, trajs=heavy_atom_distances, blocksplit=False, n=3)
    scores += [distances_scores.mean()]
    errors += [distances_scores.std()], scores, yerr=errors, color=['C0', 'C1', 'C2'])
    ax.set_title(r'lag time $\tau$={}ps'.format(lag))

axes[0].set_ylabel('VAMP2 score')

You can provide an estimated MSM and/or bayesian MSM as well.


prateekbansal97 commented 3 months ago


Thanks for the reply. I was able to implement the suggestion.