deeptoaster / opcode-table

A set of extensible tables for displaying details of machine instructions for Z80 and other architectures
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Search field #3

Closed michalin closed 1 year ago

michalin commented 1 year ago

I would like a search function like there was in the last version. For example entering something like "ld a," highlighted all commands that load anything into register a.

deeptoaster commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback—I'll see what I can do. For now the best option is to just Ctrl+F—do you prefer the old search bar over it?

michalin commented 1 year ago

Yes, this would be perfect.

evolutional commented 1 year ago

+1, the old search bar was perfect

bhandscomb commented 1 year ago

Indeed the search in the original was so useful... type in add and anything not an add was hidden... Ctrl-F pales in comparison and I would argue not having the search box makes the page/tool less useful.

bhandscomb commented 1 year ago

Really ugly hack - grafted in the rehash, hashchange, td each and keyup functions from original HTML, added .bk class to CSS, in just before indexOf(hash) inserted a substring(0,24) call, i.e. if ($(this).text().substring(0,24).indexOf(hash) == -1) { unlike original your mouseover popup is part of the cell content and messes up the old search code... chopping down the cell text sort of works, but probably nowhere near reliable enough - the numbers I chose were complete trial and error...

Must admit I massively prefer the old table... more compact, and the pop-over was easier to read... just my opinion...

Cwiiis commented 1 year ago

Must admit I massively prefer the old table... more compact, and the pop-over was easier to read... just my opinion...

I have to admit, I agree - the filter was why I had this page open, vs just any old reference. It's still very nice and I appreciate the work that's gone into it, but without the filter, it's significantly less useful :(

emitdrop commented 1 year ago

+1, the old search bar was what made the page superior to any other

deeptoaster commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reminding me to deal with this—the search bar is back now. Sorry it took so long!

The search bar also searches in the description content now. (Helpful if you want to search for "any instruction that changes PC," for example.)