deeptools / HiCBrowser

Simple web browser to visualize HiC tracks
GNU General Public License v2.0
18 stars 5 forks source link

[WIP] Update #28

Open lldelisle opened 4 years ago

lldelisle commented 4 years ago

Hi, I wanted to update the Browser to be able to have a browser which matches pygenometracks. But I do not know anything about javascript. I fixed the browser part but I did not understand what is the goal of having 2 different things (one for the browser and one for the gene) because in the browser you can put gene names... So for the moment I did not update the gene part. Also, when you change the brower_tracks.ini, if you stop the server and relaunch it with the same port, the display is not updated. Where is it stored? Is there a way to start from scratch except just changing the port?

LeilyR commented 4 years ago

Hi, Thanks for your interest. We are not actively maintaining this software anymore since there are already more advanced software which can be used as an alternative, eg. higlass. But, feel free to have your own fork and apply the changes you are interested in.